Dr. Bryan Chapell of Covenant Seminary has written a very reasonable treatment of the New Perspective on Paul, which can be found here. He distinguishes things that need to be distinguished, he knows what central issues of the faith need to be defended and preserved, he criticizes without hysterics, and his admonitions to all parties …
Worship With Anticipation
Gracious Lord and God, we thank You now for yet another Lord’s Day. We look forward to worship with anticipation, and we are grateful to be able to show that anticipation through eating and drinking in Your presence. You are a holy God, and we are grateful that You receive us in the holiness of …
Our Heretical Hair
A friend pointed me to a new Master’s program at Knox Seminary, which actually looks pretty good. Click here. But that Auburn Avenue heresy stuff is like an insidious gas that permeates everything, up to and including this new Master’s program at Knox. In bold-face type (no less), they say the following: “We need to …
Parish Elders
One of the great problems we have in studying issues of church government is that we too readily start with the New Testament, and try to build our doctrine there from scratch. But when the New Testament writers used the term elder, the readers already knew what that word meant, and moreover, they had known …
Thinking Outside the Cliche
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 47 Those who are interested in improving their performance in business will find no shortage of books offering to help along the way. The American market is glutted with “guru management” books of all kinds. Those who are interested in …
Pentecost in Public
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Our Father and God, we praise You now in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. You are the one who poured out the Holy Spirit on the great day of Pentecost, and there empowered Your Church to be Your people forever and …
Music for Jericho
We rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, who was poured out upon us so that we could be the true Israel of God in a pagan and dark world. As the true Israel of God, we are summoned and equipped to confront and overcome the paganism of the unbelieving world. In …
The Laws of Thought
I mentioned in the last post that I had co-written a logic text. The following is a draft of something that will be going into the next revision. Here tis: In order to reason well, we have to assume certain things that never show up as particular items in our argument. They are simply (and …
Introduction: Pentecost is not only an important event in the history of the Church, but is also one of the key events in the history of the world. Pentecost celebrates something that has happened to the world, and the Scriptures teach that nothing can be done to reverse this. THE TEXTS: “Then came to him …
Except For Prisms
Been a while since I wrote anything about the Auburn Avenue stuff. So why not? says I. A gentleman named Paul Manata has written a detailed and very fine refutation of Cal Beisner’s claim that the root of the Auburn Avenun teaching was our embrace of Van Til’s apologetic. Manata’s post is called “The Root …