"However far I went I found only dingy lodging houses, small tobacconists, boardings from which posters hung in rags, windowless warehouses, goods stations without trains, and bookshops of the ...
Light Affliction
Authentic Ministry 10/Second Corinthians: Sermon Video Introduction: We read in the book of Job that man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward (Job 5:7). This being the case, we need ...
Warrant in the Promise
In order to baptize anyone, we must have warrant from the Word of God to do so. We are not to do anything on the basis of what any mortal says—whether it is the person being baptized, or the parents of the child being baptized. No mortal can give us a warrant for baptizing anyone. …
A Tempest in a Tweet Pot
I need to make a brief announcement. Ahem. A day or two ago, Canon+ added some of Al Mohler’s content from a number of years ago, from back before the woke virus days. A firestorm of sorts broke out on Twitter, with one gentleman commenting on how much the times have changed. Al Mohler and …
Justice, Liberty, Love
The Authority of Scripture #3: Sermon Video Introduction: At first glance it may appear to us that justice, liberty, and love are three very distinct topics. But if we examine them in the light ...
Science, the Bible, and Defending the Faith
Introduction: The Authority of Scripture #1 Sermon Video We will be taking a brief three-week break from our current series in 2 Corinthians in order to spend our time on what might be called ...
So Then . . . the FBI
Introduction: So, at last week’s Grace Agenda, we concluded the event with a giant Block Party. The evening was fabulous, just like last year, and one of the crowning blessings for us this time around was that our goings-on were surveilled by the FBI. It is a dangerous world out there, and when people start …
A Cardboard Box Full of Diamonds
Authentic Ministry 9/Second Corinthians: Sermon Video Introduction: The persistent and obvious weakness of God’s servants is not a bug, but rather a feature. God does it this way because ...
A Spiritual Triangle
“Preaching is a spiritual triangle whereby God draws the preacher and the hearers closer to himself and to each other”
Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 347
Light and Blindness
Sorry for the late posting. Things have been hectic. Leave me alone. Authentic Ministry 8 Second Corinthians: Sermon Video Introduction: A faithful proclamation of the gospel of Christ ...