Does Grove City Have Worrisome Dark Spots on Her Lymph Nodes?

Introduction: To address my question right at the outset, the answer would appear to be yes. But as one who has been the subject of various online hit pieces myself, I think we need to proceed charitably and cautiously, and hear everybody out. At the same time, we should not blithely assume that somebody must …

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Gentile Believers

“In the Old Testament, Gentiles were under no obligation whatever to become Jews. They could be saved without becoming Jews, and many of them were saved without becoming Jews. The Jews were not the believers of the Old Testament, but were rather the priestly people of the Old Testament. They served in this function for the sake of the Gentile nations.”

The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 45

No Other Way

“If this broad and inclusive approach were true, then Christ died for nothing. With a sorrow deeper than any man has ever experienced, Christ asked His Father to have the cup pass from Him if there were any other way (Matt. 26:39). If the Father could have said something like, ‘Well, the Rig Veda has some promising developments,’ then why did Jesus have to die? Jesus had to die because there was no other way to save us.”

The Light From Behind the Sun, p. 34