One of the corollaries of the Great Commission is that we are supposed to fill the earth with our books, as the prophet Isaiah intimated. Toward that end, I wanted to draw your attention to the books category on the left margin of this page, where you can find, as Jonathan Edwards would have put …
The Dessert Cart Rolls On
Saturday Night Live had a really good one. The Political Teen has a clip of it here. And HT to Right Mind.
Prospective Student Weekends At NSA
New St. Andrews College has (not one but) two Prospective Student Weekends coming up. The first is February 17-20 and the second is March 31-April 3. If you are thinking about having your son or daughter attend NSA in the fall, these would be good times to have them come visit NSA. If you are …
Thirty Years of No Other Way to Go
Today is December 31, 2005, New Year’s Eve. It is also my thirtieth anniversary. Nancy and I were married New Year’s Eve, 1975. It took us a few years to figure out why the restaurants were always so crowded when we went out to celebrate. I met Nancy the year before we married, but I …
Roots By The River
My father has started a blog, and I would like to commend it to you. It is called Roots By The River, and it can be found here. I have also put a permanent link off to the left.
Check It Out
My son Nate wrote a review of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for Books and Culture. That review is now on-line and can be found at the Christianity Today site here.
An Unscientific Poll
I need to take an unscientific poll. Does your screen prefer the font size of the previous post, or do you prefer the one before that? Which is easier to read? I am fooling around a little bit, and would like to finally settle in your comfy zone. Because that’s what this blog is really …
Philosophy and Me
I think it was Paul Simon who said somewhere that his “life of education hasn’t hurt me none.” I can’t quite say the same thing, but at least I survived it. I grew up in a conservative evangelical home, a place where Christ was consistently honored and loved. But it being the late fifties and …
Format Housekeeping
For those concerned, the RSS feed should be working again. A double-dash was throwing it off. As my web master put it, “RSS is rather picky to ‘illegal’ characters.” Also, because it appears that we will not have to deal with cyber attacks, we have removed the strict filtering of HTML formatting. So this means …
Witticisms from the Congregation
This last Sunday, I started a series of messages through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The previous Lord’s Day I concluded a long series of messages on marriage (39 sermons), which one young wag in the congregation told me should be entitled the “forty stripes save one” series. And this Sunday I had to spend …