Sorry about all the visuals. I am in a picture groove. Those of you who have been to our home may be aware that we have put our three acres together with the two acres of our neighbor to the south, along with three more acres from our neighbor to the north, and are having …
Henry York Has Cupboards
Since its release a couple months ago, Leepike Ridge has been doing very well, and it looks like we may have some more exciting news about the book in the future. Been a lot of fun. But the reason for this post is that Nate’s web site is now up, and you can find it …
Book Sites Are Always Worth a Look
Some of you may be familiar with the web site Books on the Path. I just had a delightful visit with the new owner and manager of that business, and thought you might be interested in taking a look.
Viking Angst
If you have access to the July/August issue of Touchstone magazine, then you can check out an article that I wrote and which they were kind enough to print. The article is entitled “Weary Anglo Saxon Pagans,” and argues that Beowulf is an outstanding work of Christian evangelism and apologetics.
A Ripping Good Adventure Yarn
A few weeks ago, Christianity Today reviewed Leepike Ridge in their print edition. They have now put that review on the front page of their web site here. And in other related news, the July/August edition of The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (published by Johns Hopkins) reviewed Nate’s book and gave it …
Overwhelmed and Encouraged
Week after next Nancy and I will be in Atlanta with hundreds of other classical Christian educators for the annual ACCS conference. These conferences are always a wonderful time, and the phrase that I have used to describe them is “simultaneously overwhelming and encouraging.” If you are at all interested in the recovery of classical …
More Leepikey Stuff
The good folks at Veritas Press asked me if I would write an open letter to Nate about Leepike Ridge for their monthly electronic newsletter. I was happy to do that, and you can read what I wrote at this web site. Be sure to check out Laurie Detweiler’s review of the book after my …
A number of our projects have sort of met at the intersection, and so over the last few weeks I have had a lot to announce. We are very grateful to God. The latest announcement, and one that we are really excited about, is a series of Bible stories for young children. They are published …
Does Your Marriage Need Help?
This is pretty funny, and outlandish, but I bet that any pastor or marriage counselor has a comparable story from real life. So consider this a plug for the 4th Annual Conference on the Family hosted by Providence Church (CREC) in Lynchburg, VA. The date is June 16, 2007. Nancy and I will be speaking …
Book Release Party
For those of you who live in the Moscow area, we are having a book release/book signing party tomorrow night at the Palouse Empire Mall. As the poster above has already informed you, the festivities are from 6 pm to 9 pm, and we are looking forward to a good time. Stacks of the book …