Book of the Month/March 2018

The book I have selected for this month’s review is Crisis of Responsibility by David Bahnsen. I was briefly tempted to make this an extremely short review, saying simply that Greg Bahnsen, his father, would have been very proud. That really would have been sufficient, but there were a few other things I wanted to …

So Sorry for Posting Late. Kinda Busy. Leave Me Alone.

Housekeeping: Greetings, Not addressing any particular post, rather a technical question—in my quest to get away from social media I’ve started using an RSS reader to keep up with sites that I follow. I distinctly recall seeing an RSS feed for this site in the past but cannot find it at this time; is the …

Incarnational Love

Introduction: As we all know, Christmas is a celebration of the Incarnation of the Son of God. Not only was this Incarnation a great expression of love, if we are thinking scripturally, we will come to see it as the very definition of love. And notice that this definition, in order to be a true …