Outline of a Response

I am happy to interact briefly with Andrew Sandlin’s most recent observations. I need to highlight the word briefly, because I just want to suggest the outline of a response, and not to produce a massive tome. If I were a postmodernist, it would be described as the “contours of a response,” but it amounts …


I am currently reading The Next Reformation, by Carl Raschke. The subtitle not only gives away the store, but also the point — “Why Evangelicals Must Embrace Postmodernity.” The proliferation of books like this help to highlight why I am interested in attacking postmodernism, and all its demon spawn, while howling in the grip of …

No Matter How Thin You Slice It, It’s Still Baloney

I am working my way through a new book, and I cannot wait until I am done before recommending it. Entitled Reclaiming the Center, this book does a number on all the postmodern hooey that is afflicting contemporary evangelical types. The subtitle is “Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern Times.” The hooey is decked out in …

Feminist Misogyny

I just recently finished reading Taking Sex Differences Seriously by Steven Rhoads. Certain irritating features of the book have to be discounted, like his ongoing evolutionary assumptions, but in the main the book is a dispassionate and careful look at what everybody in the history of the world has always known, until the feminists of …