Someone Is Keeping Their Attorney in the Dark

This morning in the Daily News, they ran an extended front page story on the Moscow “culture skirmishes,” an article that I thought was really even-handed. That said, there is one detail that I need to correct from the article, which is really only a detail. The article said of me that he “is pretty …

A Tire Iron From Western Auto

Mike Hayes has put together a documentary on The Controversy in these here parts, a documentary entitled Our Town. Due to be shown publicly next week, he extended the courtesy of letting me review it (the same as he did for the others who were interviewed for the project). Not a partisan in the fracas, …

Look Who’s Fencing the Table Now

I still can’t get over the fact that our Intolerista friends are seriously trying to ban hundreds of our young people from taking communion during one of our worship services. The best thing I can figure out is that they have hired Howard Dean as a PR consultant. In our worship services we practice weekly …

Thinly Disguised Wowserism

The other day I noted that there have been a total of nine attempts to manipulate various tax-supported entities in order to harass us and our ministries. Now make that ten. Rose Huskey and Saundra have recently (June 10) sent a letter to folks at the UI trying to cause problems for our upcoming Trinity …

Striving For Tolerance

Below is a column I recently wrote for our local paper. In our society today, tolerance is generally considered a good word representing a good thing. We have a long history of looking sideways at closed or despotic societies, and for very good reasons. When one sectarian group lays claim to a monopoly on Absolute …