Last night I had a discussion on the radio with a fellow Christian and Christ Church critic, Keely Emerine-Mix. This was my opening statement, more or less, but, because I ran out of time, I did not get all the way through it. For those who want to check it out, the entire discussion can …
Trying to Destroy the West
“But, like the Oedipus Complex, Bauhaus architecture, moral relativism, contraception, deficit spending, the automobile, and cubism, saturation bombing was used as the twentieth century’s revenge on the cultural legacy of the West. It was an attempt to use the power of the West in order to destroy the West.” [E. Michael Jones, Living Machines (San …
Machines for Living In
“By the time the rhetoric of modern architecture had been assembled into a modern ideology—let’s say by 1925—the form and the structure of the modern apartment, which was to replace the more traditional one-family dwelling as the preferred dwelling of socialist man, had become full of sociological meaning. Instead of man’s home being his castle, …
Rationalized Lust
“The evidence, however, is all in, and the verdict is clear: modernity is rationalized lust . . . . Critical parlance notwithstanding, there is no postmodern age, just thinkers following the ever-constricting ruts of sexual liberation in increasingly compulsive, increasingly self-negating ways. If there is ever to be a postmodern era, it will have to …
Outpacing the Cornpones
“Because the artistic community has its own eleventh commandment: Thou shalt grant federal funds to art that’s too intellectual for you to understand, you rube.” [Richard Grenier, Capturing The Culture (Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991), p. 320].
Thank You, Thank You
“‘Sentimentality,’ by definition, is an outpouring of false emotion—for sentimental people do not feel much genuine emotion, wallowing in substitutes. (‘You’re a wonderful audience; I love you all.’)” [Richard Grenier, Capturing The Culture (Washington, DC: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991), p. 313].
Some Basic Political Principles
Another election is approaching in the fall. Many Christians are distressed at the condition of the country, and they are equally distressed over the choices they have in elections. While it is never appropriate to use a Christian pulpit as a partisan platform, it is equally unacceptable for Christians to be left without biblical direction …
And This From An Industry That Specializes in Brazen Hypocrisies
“Low-cast Hindus, in short, suffered humiliations in their native India compared to which the carrying of identity cards in South Africa was almost trivial. In fact, Gandhi, to his credit, was to campaign strenuously in his later life for the reduction of caste barriers in India—a campaign almost invisible in the movie, of course, conveyed …
Secession As Obedience
As the evening of the Fourth of July approaches, I thought I would offer a few words that might salve the consciences of some sensitive Christians when it comes time to set off the fireworks tonight. And no, I am not here talking about the conscience issues raised by firing off what citizens have affectionately …
Well, Not Exactly
“A result of all this is that New York’s purveyors of high cinema art have chosen to import from France, Germany, Italy, or wherever, a hand-picked selection of those countries’ intimate, unconventional, or intellectually ambitious movies. There is certainly nothing wrong with a nothing-but-the-best policy for that American elite within the elite which enjoys foreign …