Yet Another Reason to Be Concerned About Global Warming

“But not all languages are equally musical. The musical-poetical language Rousseau discusses arose in the south, where the bountifulness of the climate made survival relatively easy. As a result, southern languages express the yearnings of the ‘heart,’ specifically the longing for romantic attachment to a person of the opposite sex” [Carson Holloway, All Shook Up: …

The Answer to Idolatry

“One might say that irreverence, not blasphemy, is the ultimate answer to idolatry, which is why most cultures have established means by which irreverence may be expressed — in the theater, in jokes, in song, in political rhetoric, even in holidays” [Neil Postman, Technopoly (New York: Vintage Books, 1992), p. 167].


“Useless, meaningless statistics flood the attention of the viewer. Sportscasters call them ‘graphics’ in an effort to suggest that the information, graphically presented, is a vital supplement to the action of the game. For example: ‘Since 1984, the Buffalo Bills have won only two games in which they were four points ahead with less than …

Lord Willing and the Creeks Don’t Rise

Here is the breakdown for our upcoming Trinity Fest, our second annual event of this nature and magnitude. Just around the corner, check your calenders. That Monday, after registration and kicking off with some history lectures, the party begins with St. Brigid’s Feast. Last year we consumed vast quantities of bone-in chicken swimming in a …

Why the Floor Plans Were All So Similar

“So Gropius falls upon the thorns of life; he bleeds. And his architecture is based upon a sociology of human relations which in turn rests on the exigencies of keeping a number of affairs going at once. This is the human matrix out of which the Wohnmaschine grows (the speech of this name was written …