“Cool required no specialized knowledge. Cool could be bought (but hopefully not cheaply). Cool was hip plus demographics.” [John Seabrook, Nobrow (New York: Vintage Books, 2000), p. 188].
Mix and Match Identities
“When you say about a painting, a music video, or a pair of jeans, ‘I like this,’ you make some sort of judgment, but it’s not a judgment of quality. In Nobrow, judgments about which brand of jeans to wear are more like judgments of identity than quality. These judgments do not depend on knowledge …
Salt and Vinegar
I spent a good portion of the day in the air, working my way back to you, babe. No, no, that’s not right. Working my way to the ACCS convention in Covington, KY. And, as is my wont on airplanes, I got a goodish bit of reading in. The book I finished today was Ann …
No Kidding?
“When you do away with the old High-Low [brow] hierarchy, people become more obsessed than ever with status” [John Seabrook, Nobrow (New York: Vintage Books, 2000), p. 168].
False, False, and False
For those who for some reason want to follow the saga of the most recent secularist and hypocritical (but I repeat myself) attack on Christ Church, you can see a particularly ripe sample here. This kind of thing is of course crazy. So why respond to it then? Why give the time of day to …
Why NPR Listeners Think They Are Aristocrats
“For more than a century, the elite in the United States has distinguished themselves from consumers of commercial culture, or mass culture. Highbrow/lowbrow was the language by which culture was translated into status—the pivot on which distinctions of taste became distinctions of caste. The words highbrow and lowbrow are American inventions, devised for a specifically …
The Movie of Me
“I stood there for a moment longer in the yellow tornado light while the techno music in my ears reorganized my consciousness into cleaner lines than the gangsta vibe . . . implanting in the folds of my cortex the way poetry used to before I got a Discman and made pop music the soundtrack …
Age of Consent
I have received a couple of response to the question I posed to Joan Opyr about the age of consent. One question was from someone wondering if I have any trouble with our current age of consent laws. And the answer to that one is simple . . . no, I don’t. Joan Opyr responded …
And Not Just Billy Idol Either
“My answer to the question about Christian involvement with popular culture is essentially the same. You can enjoy popular culture without compromising Biblical principles as long as you are not dominated by the sensibility of popular culture, as long as you are not captivated by its idols.” [Kenneth Myers, All God’s Children and Blue Suede …
Joan Opyr, Cub Reporter
One of our local adversaries writes for New West, and she has given us a dog’s breakfast of an article here. Rather than engage with her assertions and misinformation over all (i.e. the total effect), or with her ghoulish willingness to trample over victims and their families so long as it enables her to get …