At the Bottom
“You chastise us, Father, for all of our sins,
But that is not why the evil attack us—
They attack because we love what is good,
And because at the bottom our trust is in You.”
21 Prayers, p. 25
Drunk and Sober
“His adultery with Bathsheba, and his murder of Uriah, were the two great twin sins of his life, but one of the things that made the murder of Uriah so grotesque was the fact that Uriah was Hittite, doggedly loyal to David. Even when David got him drunk to help cover up his sin, Uriah stayed true to his cause—and in that moment, better to be Uriah drunk than David sober.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 104-105
Indeed, Saving Them
“Not only would we be saved from their treachery
And from all of their lies and crafty deceits,
But we also ask You to be gracious to them,
Saving them from their treachery, lies, and deceit.”
21 Prayers, p. 22
A Very Important Question
“The single biggest controversy in the New Testament church was over whether a person could become a Christian without becoming a Jew first, and so the first great ecumenical council was held to respond to the question.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 101
Tri(tr)umphant: Seven Observations on the Festivities Related to Round Two . . . So Far
Introduction: This image is real, and not Grok related. And as one of my grandsons put it, "Words cannot describe how much I love American politics." So what are we to make of the first week ...
Jesus ben David
“Antisemitism is abut the most anti-gospel frame of mind that can be imagined. And among professed worshipers of Jesus ben David, it is also the silliest. Christ is the Lord of Israel, and this is why He is the Lord of the new Israel as well.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 99
Grace and Imprecation
“And so I pray now that You would protect us,
With all such prayers being based on the fact
That You require them and gave us the psalms—
Psalms that we know we do not deserve praying,
Much less in this way, which is part of the point.
We therefore offer them in Jesus’ name.”
21 Prayers, p. 19
Tuesday Letters on Tuesday, as Is Proper
Letter to the Editor: Re: antisemitism and the "woke right"I have to confess I was initially puzzled as to your characterization of antisemitism and hard right nationalists as the "woke right." ...
Great Death
“I ask that our service would be potent and powerful
In administering death—the kind of great death
That is followed by grace, by great resurrections.”
21 Prayers, p. 17