Raw Hatred

“With the emergence of Zionism in the early twentieth century, the Muslims faced a ‘Jewish problem’ for the first time since Mohammad. This time they faced it from a position of weakness, with the Jews for the first time since the destruction of the Temple poised to reestablish a polity that would be territorial as …

Dark Secrets of the Federal Vision

Here is one of our anti-flyers floating around town. HT: Dale Courtney Dale does a good job pointing out some of the anomalies. If you go to the Fugitive Press website that sponsored the flyer, you can see my favorite out of this batch, which is the implication that doctored urine to hide your doping …

And Wilson, Almost Suitably Abashed, Responds

When my friend John Armstrong suggested that this publication run a critical review of my book A Serrated Edge, and give me an opportunity to respond to that review, I agreed happily. I really do believe we ought to talk more about this stuff. Then when the package with the review arrived and I opened …

Stand By for a Cordial Discussion

A number of months ago, John Armstrong asked me if I would mind writing a response to a review of A Serrated Edge in one of his publications, and I agreed happily. After they published it, we would then do the same. Unfortunately, they were providentially hindered from publishing the exchange and so the other …

Preparing for the Crisis That Wasn’t

Y2K has not always been on everyone’s lips, but it is now. For years, those who had taken the responsibility of warning others were pretty lonely people. Now that we have very little time left, we have nearly universal awareness . . . and mounting consternation. In the midst of this, many pastors are wondering …

Outrages That Take Courage (in the Present) to Oppose

“The status of women in Islam is comparable to that of the human rights in Cuba: theoretically exalted if you subscribe to the theory, utterly deplorable in practice, and impolite to discuss frankly in the enlightened Western circles” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 154).