When Sin and Death Build the City

I enjoyed getting to meet Darryl Hart at the Auburn Avenue conference last year, and also enjoyed our discussion on the Federal Vision over at De Regno Christi. He’s a good guy, and has many valuable things to offer the church, particularly in the realm of historical analysis. But in our discussion at DRC, the …

The Servant Vote

The political process that we have in this country was greatly influenced by the Church in generations past, and it continues to be influenced by Christians today. But the influence we used to have and the influence we have today are very different. The whole idea of representative government was established in the Church long …

Slavery and Islam

“While much has been written concerning the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been given to the Islamic slaver trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. While the European involvement in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to the Americas lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the slave …

Inverted Sentimentality

“The idea that, after an event such as the Great War, an artistic celebration of the world is no longer possible is nonsense, compounded of strangely twisted romanticism and inverted sentimentality . . . But this is simply a pose: supposing an Adorno-like figure had said, ‘After the war, sexual pleasure is no longer possible,’ …

Disposable Wives

“Divorce is accepted as a part of life in Islamic culture. A man could divorce his wife by saying three times, ‘I divorce you.’ But he can choose to marry her again. However, if he also says, ‘You are like my mother to me,’ then this is a permanent divorce and he cannot marry her …

Women and the Prophet

“Even as a child growing up in Egypt, I chafed at the way Muslim society treated women. As I studied the Quran and Islamic history, I could see how the many restrictions placed upon women came directly from Muhammad himself. Again, this put me in a position of wondering whether the true God of heaven …