Wishing for a Doritos Commerical

Once a father and son were watching the news together, and since it was political season—a primary was looming in their state—not only was the news crammed full of information about the candidates, so also half the commercials were paid political ads, crammed full of lack of information about the candidates. Staring glumly at the …

The Horse Laugh of Freedom

Earlier this winter, I have posted the occasional anecdotal guffaw at the expense of global warming. Comes now Science to back up all the stalwart lovers of liberty who dared to laugh the Horse Laugh of Freedom. Turns out, this year has seen a dramatic plunge in temperature, all around the world, according to all …

Behind the Painted Scenery

“Real people are never cool; only their projected identities are. Smooth guys far too often have child support to pay. Fine dressers are often broke, party animals look a whole lot better at midnight than at four, and a lot of world-traveling backpackers are really just hiding from their parents” (Paul Grant, Blessed Are the …