Introduction: Oscar Wilde once defined a gentleman as someone who never insults anyone else accidentally. There is a principle here that Christians can take and reapply in other situations. A "gold ...
Even More Orthodox
“Some won’t accept the explanations we offer because they flat don’t believe us. In other words, when it sounds orthodox, it must be a trick. Heretics often manage to sound orthodox. Yeah, but orthodox people often sound orthodox too.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 501
It All Comes Alive
“When you believe God, the whole world comes alive, and this is especially true with instruments that God has appointed, like the Word . . . and like baptism. But without evangelical faith, man, your situation is worse than it was before. You gotta have Jesus, and no Christian should have a problem with that.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 500
Just Be Patient
“New life in Christ is weightier than Calvinism. We can tell this because our gracious God has given that new life to all His true children, and He has not given Calvinism to all His true children. That will have to wait until heaven.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 499
Christendom and Christendumber
Introduction: In recent years, one of the issues that has come to the fore has been the tactical issue of NETTR—"no enemies to the right." This has been the photo negative of the evangelical cool ...
Where the Pope Lives
“Fact is, in 1988 I moved to Geneva. Like it here. Bought a house. Plan to stay. But for certain American provincial ecclesiastics, when you glance at a spinning globe, Geneva is near Italy, kinda.
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 498
As We Have Come to Expect from You, Letters
Letter to the Editor: Re: Tranny WeddingIncredibly, a friend of mine (both of us men) recently decided he was a woman and his girlfriend decided she was a man, and they planned a wedding ...
Grace Liberates
“C.S. Lewis comments on the nature of the early Puritans and Reformers in the 16th century—their chief characteristics being their exuberance, their liberation from motive-scratching, their joy, their relief, their delight in new life, their acceptance of something that was too good to be true. The gospel, when it breaks out in power, always has that effect. For those watching this particular controversy, trying to make out what it is all about, here is the basic question to ask. Which group is talking about the ordo as something that bursts all our chains—”my chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose went forth and followed thee”—and which group has the ordo on an anvil, trying to forge it into a chain, one capable of shackling the wind, so that we can always tell where it is coming from and where it is going.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 487
Alistair Beggs the Question
Introduction: Let us begin by acknowledging that it is not good or appropriate to take decades of faithful ministry and gospel preaching in order to wad it up and throw it away, and to do this ...