Malevolence: A Harmonic Convergence

Introduction: If you have not heard about the latest entry in the Moscow fiasco semi-finals, then . . . read on. The best way for you to get up to speed on the general situation is by reading this statement issued by Logos School. Logos Statement On December 12th 2023, Logos School rented the U …

Way More Plastic

“True Kuyperian practice is not to go out into the world and do pretty much what everybody else is doing, only with a Jesus label attached. This is not the lordship of Christ—rather it is Christians getting into the manufacture of knock-offs. If something gets popular in the world, the Christians are right there with a competing model made with cheap labor in a Third World factory and using a lot more plastic.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 515

Apostate or Corrupt?

“Churches that have had their lampstand removed are apostate. Churches that are being seriously warned about that possibility are corrupt. Branches that have been cut out of the olive tree are apostate. Branches that are still on the tree but have started to think that they support the root are corrupt. The short answer is that apostasy does not occur with no warning at all—the run up to that apostasy is the period of corruption. God dealt with the Israelites even though they worshipped him in the high places. They were corrupt, but not yet rejected. The prophets were ticked about it, as they should have been, but God nevertheless still owned them as His people. That was corruption, not apostasy. The severance of Israel from the olive tree after 70 AD was apostasy, the culmination of corruption.

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 510.