Multi-Culti Vengeance

“[A]nd when he repeatedly exposed the follies of these policies in print, the advocates of ‘diversity’—who maintain that all cultures are equal but that opinions other than their own are forbidden—mounted a vicious and vituperative campaign against him . . . Hell, it seems, hath no fury like a multi-culturalist contradicted” (Theodore Dalrymple, Our Culture, …

Compromise #1

Chapter Two of Darryl Hart’s A Secular Faith was, as you may recall, a really disappointing treatment of the theocratic and establishmentarian convictions of the Westminster Assembly. This next chapter was quite different — all of it was admirable, and most of it was simply outstanding. Darryl begins by showing how two early presidents, Jefferson …

Religion of Force

“Clearly Islam is a religion of force which denies basic freedom. It may not be politically correct to say so, but pretending that the Quran is a pacifist document and that Islam has a consistent track record of peace and tolerance is either foolish or deceitful” (Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism & Islam, p. 46).

Don’t Know What We Think Anymore

“Thanks to the sexual revolution, current confusions are manifold. In a society that forms sexual liaisons with scarcely a thought, a passing suggestive remark can result in a lawsuit; the use of explicit sexual language is de rigeur in literary circles, but medical journals fear to print the word ‘prostitute’ and use the delicate euphemism …

Jupiterian Amillennialism

Darryl Hart is easy to read, but, in another sense, he is very hard to read. His second chapter “Whose Freedom, Which Liberty?” is a treasure trove of historical information, but his discussion also includes, it must be said, an astonishing oversight. I don’t know what — other than an amillennialism that appears to have …

So Then, Dumbledore Is Gay, They Say

I don’t think there is any way to take the news that Dumbledore turns out to be homosexual as anything other than a stellar business. I haven’t heard such good news since that business about Gore and the Nobel Prize. This announcement made a bunch of issues just float right up to the surface, where …