“The aim of untold millions is to be free to do exactly as they choose and for someone else to pay when things go wrong” (Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom, p. 5).
What a Marvelous Thought
The Moscow City Council election is now over, and the results are in. Congratulations to Tom Lamar, the top vote getter, as well as to the other victors — Steed, Krauss, and Carscallen. Lamar is a genuine liberal, but he showed a lot of class in this election. In the aftermath of the bigotry kerfluffle, …
Easily Led in One Direction Only
“When a man tells me, in explanation of his anti-social behavior, that he is easily led, I ask him whether he was ever easily led to study mathematics or the subjunctives of French verbs” (Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom, p. ix).
Bigotry on Stilts
One of the drills that we go through here in our local controversies is this: our adversaries quote some outrageous thing from us, we say in reply that that’s “out of context,” and they say, “Yeah, right. You guys always complain that ‘it’s out of context.’ You just don’t like getting caught.” And so that …
The Matter Closed?
I said at the end of the previous post that I considered the matter closed. By that I meant that the Food Coop has done what they needed to do — they reprimanded an employee for distributing bigoted materials, and in so doing they have acknowledged that this kind of bigotry does exist in our …
Thanks to the Food Coop
A young lady, an employee of the Food Coop, has acknowledged on the radio that she was the one distributing the “boycott list” of kirker businesses out of the Coop, and that she was reprimanded for doing so. I want to publicly thank the Food Coop for taking action, for doing the right thing, and …
Bigotry Is As Bigotry Does, Sez I
Okay, so I have a question. I would appreciate a public answer on this from any recognized spokesman for the Moscow Food Coop. A flyer identifying downtown businesses that are connected to “kirkers” — folks in our church community — has in recent weeks been handed out at the cash register of the Food Coop …
Polygamy Preferred
[Concerning Surah 4:3] “Muhammad recommends monogamy for those males who may have some kind of personality problem that prevents them from treating more than one wife ‘with equity.’ Muhammad’s policy seems to be polygamy for the strong, monogamy for the weak” (Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism & Islam, p. 83).
Cultural Inferiority
“Genetic or racial determinism is no better. It will come as a surprise to American readers, perhaps, to learn that the majority of the British underclass is white, and that it demonstrates all the same social pathology as the black underclass in America—for very similar reasons, of course” (Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom, p. …
Right From the Start
“The Hadith records the names of at least 27 individuals who were murdered on Muhammad’s orders” (Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism & Islam, p. 64).