Blenheim Talks Now Available

Last month we were visiting the kids in the UK and took the opportunity to have a small one day conference at Blenheim Palace. Canon Press has now packaged those talks (along with an autobiographical chat I had with some seminary students), and they are available here. In addition, please note that Canon is making …

Yahweh for Sunshine and Baal for Rain

There are really two basic questions when it comes to questions of theocracy. The first is erroneously thought to be a genuine question — whether or not we should have a theocracy, whether there will be a god who rules over any given culture. The fact that this is even believed to be a coherent …

Tom Wolfe’s Uncanny Prophetic Powers

As everyone knows by now, Eliot Spitzer has apparently disgraced his office through his use of spendy hookers. He did this having made a name for himself as the Law, prosecuting sundry others, and showing No Mercy in his various rampages. Having made enemies in any number of directions, it turns out that he is …

Seduced by Cool

“Christians are willing to part with large amounts of case for access to Christian cool . . . There’s nothing wrong with Christian music being integrated into the global market. God is glorified by excellence in our craftsmanship. Lots of top-quality Christian music is produced by multinational corporations will be present in heaven. Still, the …

Cool Christianity: Oxymoron #72

“Cool Christianity indulges in a similar feedback loop. Cool Christianity projects a Christian variant of cool that is identical to—but for the most part flies under the radar of—cool’s cultural centers. Accordingly, most cool Christianity is an internal performance for our own consumption. We create it to feel better about ourselves” (Paul Grant, Blessed Are …

Nice and Nasty Sharia Bits

The real problem with Rowan Williams’ acquiesence to Sharia-creep in the UK is not so much the fact that he did so. He is the archbishop — that kind of thing is his job. Theodore Dalrymple points to the “opacity of the language that he habitually employs” and correctly identifies the problem with it. “There …