From the interview with Charles Gibson, it appears that Sarah Palin is entirely on board with John McCain’s foreign policy — a foreign policy that I am not on board with. I am not a neocon, and I have no sympathy with the broader neocon objectives, which can be described as a democratic and secular …
Barak Was a Great Warrior
One of the things revealed in many of the comments for these posts on Sarah Palin is that certain subtexts of what “every Christian knows” are quite prevalent, and they do a fine job in controlling the narratives that we try to tell or try to read. One of these is the shared assumption that …
Red State Readers
This is really cool. Amazon has a map up that shows America in its familiar red state/blue state guise, only this time the calculations are based, not on votes, but on book purchases. That map can be found here. The results are pretty surprising.
The Creation Order and Sarah
Earlier today I had a conversation with a good friend about an underlying principle in all this talk about Sarah Palin, women in politics, Deborah as judge, and so on, and we agreed on an important principle. This is the kind of thing that should go without saying, but in these deranged times, almost nothing …
Sarah Palin, Candidate of Peace?
Let me begin by acknowledging that the globe is a complicated place, and that when vexing questions get insulted with answers that are too facile, then those answers should be rejected for being, um, too facile. At the same time, when certain errors (especially in economics) are almost universally embraced, the results are consistently the …
John Has Slain His Thousands
I am continuing all this in the spirit of thinking out loud. It should be obvious — even though I still have not made up my mind finally — that I really like Sarah Palin and believe that she might be uniquely positioned (in just a couple months) to really do something about Roe. Here …
The Word vs. Special Effects
“While the Renaissance careened after the image, the Reformation became a predominately word-based movement . . . the real religious fervor and intellectual power pulled to the north, so that England, Scandinavia, and Germany became the realm of the word, and the south returned to spectacle” (Arthur Hunt, The Vanishing Word, p. 78).
An Epistemological Pileup
All right. As far as I can make out, our debate over Sarah Palin revolves around three distinct issues, all three of which have merged in a highly entertaining and jumbled fashion — a sort of epistemological pile-up. The first is the propriety of voting for a Republican. A large number of us (myself included) …
Secret Love Child of a Hot Dog Vendor
Let me start with the obvious negative. Sarah Palin thinks a whole lot more of John McCain than I do. So there’s that. And let me leave aside (but just for the moment) all the questions about a Christian mother’s roles and responsibilities. We will get to more of that in future posts. The discussion …
Palin Comparison
Like many others, I will be watching Sarah Palin’s speech with great interest tonight. With that event coming up, here are just a few bits and pieces of leftover punditry that I found lying around the house here. 1. The barrage that has been unleashed against her means that the left is in a deep …