Dwarves Are For the Dwarves

Over the last few weeks Obama has added to his growing list of gaffes by insulting surgeons, saying that they would rather cut off a foot than pretty much anything else, because there is apparently some real money to be made in cutting off feet. The doctors responded all huffy-like, and so the saga continues. …

A Sinkhole of Father Hunger

Here is a little clip of Frank Schaeffer decoding secret messages that mainline Christian conservatives have been sending out to the fever swamps of the right. I am a little peeved, frankly, because I live in northern Idaho, for crying out loud. Why I am not getting these messages? Did I offend somebody? Oh, I …

On Getting Town Halled

As most of us know, politics is the art of pushing and shoving. And in recent weeks, Democrats were interrupted in the middle of their earnest exhortations to Sarah Palin (to stop her whining) because they needed to start whining about how pushing and shoving broke out in various congressional town hall meetings. This occurred …

That”s So Gay

So follow this link and watch the three television commercials that are there. (HT: Frank Golubski) Okay, all set? In the first place, I am almost tempted to give my whole-hearted endorsement to such an ad campaign just for the pleasure of hearing modern adults tell teenagers to “knock it off.” No qualifications, no poor …

No, No . . . Not a Handout

Can’t stand it. Gotta say something. As John Stott wrote somewhere, fuzzy thinking is one of the sins of the age. I was watching the tube this afternoon, and a commercial came on, urging us all to get behind the Affordable Health Care Rationing System, or whatever it is they are calling it these days. …