Yesterday in my sermon I mentioned in passing some of the problems with Christians allowing their kids to “get into” the Twilight series. Since this is an outrageous eruption of inexplicable legalism on my part, I thought I ought to defend it. Here is a brief four point discussion starter, and perhaps there will be …
Oh, Great—a Torture Czar.
The Obama saga continues. It does not look like he is going to be able to retrieve any kind of recognizable win out of the health care debacle, and thanks to God on that one. But because he is going to have to put some kind of happy face on whatever bill does get through …
Prayer Breakfast Judeo Christians
So let me tell you about a fun thing. A few weeks ago, Garry Trudeau ran a few strips in Doonesbury sending up “The Family,” of C Street fame — a group of Washington insiders running a ministry to politicians. As a faithful Doonesbury reader unacquainted with whatever scandal he was referring to, I thought …
A More Timely Topic Than Some Would Like
Just a reminder to sign up for the Christ Church ministerial conference. The topic this year is sexual orthodoxy, and the dates are October 15-16, 2009. More info can be found here, or by clicking on the pic.
But Our Rationed Health Care Will Only Be This Way Until We Find the Magic Wand
HT: Hugh Hewitt
The Great Luge Run to Perdition
If you read through the linked article on homosexuals in ministry, you will find yet another example of what happens when professing Christians try to reconcile the plain teaching of Scripture with what their lusts are demanding of them. What to do? What to do? Why you “wrestle with the issues.” You grapple with them. …
That’s a Lot of Bread
As I continue to labor manfully away with my machete in the jungles of foodism, a former student has written me a thoughtful set of questions that I thought would be good to address here. First, he agrees that idols need to be rejected, period. “So I agree with the necessity in honoring God as …
Control Your Own Body, Aye
One of the most interesting aspects of the health care debate is watching people who have spent a good portion of their adult lives saying “A,” who then under the pressure of their own position’s internal illogic come out saying “not A.” We are now at that place. Mark Steyn has pointed out, quite aptly, …
NSA Convocation 2009
As it happens, this convocation is occurring in the year of our Lord 2009. This year marks the significant birth anniversaries for various notables—it is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, the 200th of Lincoln, the 300th of Samuel Johnson, and of course, the one that really matters, the 500th of John Calvin, the great …
Collision Release
As promised, here is the basic info on the release of Collision. There will be a limited theatrical release in New York City and Los Angeles in late October, 2009. There will be a big publicity push around this, but we would still like you to tell all your atheist friends. They all live in …