A Kuyperian Imperative

Character Introduction: In a talk about Kuyperianism, I probably ought to begin with a brief biographical mention of Abraham Kuyper. Just as Calvin helped to nickname a theological position that existed long before he was born, so also Abraham Kuyper did the same. Calvin exalted the sovereignty of God in salvation in the same way …


“Truth is absolute, but it does not ‘keep’ in the way some people assume. The truth as God knows it is obviously timeless, but the truth as it is entrusted to us is affected by the attitudes and faith of the trustees. Truth is wine, and certain keepers of the cellars do what they do in such a way that it makes them guardians of vinegar.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 539-540

Law and Grace Hearts

“The Scripture is what it is, and it contains both promises and imperatives. For the one who reads the Scriptures in evangelical faith, he sees all the imperatives in the context of a larger grace. For the one who reads the Scripture in unbelief, he can sound out the promises, but they are always trumped by what he thinks is the larger demand of ‘do this and live.’ The former contextualizes everything as a subset of God’s grace. The latter contextualizes everything as a subset of law. For the believer, even the Ten Commandments can be understood as gracious. The preamble reminds the Jews that these words were coming from the one who brought them out of the house of bondage. For the unbeliever, even the message of the cross is foolishness, an intolerable demand. So that, in a nutshell, is what I think is going on with law and gospel.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 529