So the Supreme Court of New Mexico has determined that a wedding photographer does not have the right to decline a job shooting a homosexual wedding ceremony. This is obviously a hamfisted jackboot, to coin a phrase, but there are a few nuances that we believers have to work through. Because we have refused to …
Other Than That, Everything’s Normal
It has been a while since we have discussed national security issues. I walked away from the topic so that all parties concerned might have a chance to calm down. But Bradley Manning was just sentenced to thirty years plus, and his big announcement right afterwards was that he wanted to start the Chelsea hormone …
Especially When There Are Cheesy Potatoes
“The family that eats together stays together” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 127).
A Word Fitly Spoken
“Words are not abstract entities with an ethereal life of their own in Dictionary Heaven . . . The glory of words is therefore revealed when they are enfleshed and particularized” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 122).
Strewing Reformation Out of a Hat
Carl Trueman has been kind enough to issue a clarification and a quasi-challenge, which is better, I suppose, than a queasy challenge. First his clarification: “I do have a problem with the term ‘Christian worldview’ because it is vague to the point of being philosophically useless even as it has proved rhetorically and politically useful.” …
Comments Are Open . . .
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) The Basket Case Chronicles #125 “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered” (1 Cor. 11:6). Without coming to any final …
Like Coriander Seed
“That kind of anger is like manna. Even if it is good, it goes bad overnight if you try to keep it” (Evangellyfish, p. 224).
Illegal in Some States
“Husbands are prohibited from bluster, bossing about, selfish grasping, and all the rest of it, but the Bible nevertheless requires wives to obey their husbands. This obedience is to be cheerful, complete, reverent, all the way down, and across the board. Remember that in our passage St. Paul tells wives to be subject to their …
Abiding the Results
Being clever, or smart, or sophisticated, or educated, is not the same thing as being wise. Being wise includes, fundamentally, submission to a standard outside your own opinions. It means a willingness to take the test, and to abide the results. “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is …
Hidden Likenesses
“The first thing she did was hand him the check, like Jacob driving his flocks toward Esau, not that either of them was thinking about this exactly” (Evangellyfish, p. 221).