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“In the meantime, we do not need for the bishop to process up the central aisle like the shiniest and baddest black crow in the gutter. We do not need another message from Doctrine Man with ten rivets in each subpoint. We do not need the worship leader to take us through yet one more orgasmic chord progression. We don’t need a doctrine of responsible stewardship and sustainability that worries more about how many times we flush the toilet than how many babies we kill. We do not need any more cardboard cutout celebrity pastors, grinning at us, as smug as all dammit. In short, we don’t need any more of what we currently have” (Against the Church, p. 8).

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11 years ago

I think your contrast between flushing toilets and killing babies misses the point.  From what I see, reducing the number of toilet flushes and killing babies are on the same side of the equation.  Both are designed to nurture a sustainability model of reduced human impact on the planet.  If the environmentalist purist thought it could be achieved, I believe he or she would opt for erasing humankind from the world.  This would allow the world to be restored to their conception of balance, the extinction of a species in this case not being perceived as tragic.