There are two kinds of legitimacy when it comes to political rule. The first is the obvious — when the rules are honored, and the procedures followed. The second is not so obvious, and I want to get to a detailed discussion of it in a minute. But for the purposes of the set up, …
Beyond Mortal Reckoning
“The doctrine of the Incarnation proclaims frankly and without embarrassment the most stupendous miracle that can be imagined” (God Rest Ye Merry, p. 22).
Trigger Alert! Merry Christmas!
In the first place, I would like to draw your attention to this chart helpfully supplied at the web site of one Rachel Held Evans. I will give you a second to go take a gander. As you do so, I would invite you to remember that what is sauce for the gander is sauce …
Authoritative Stooping
“The one who spoke the galaxies into existence at the beginning of all things took on human flesh and consented to have his diapers changed. But He did not do this in order to demonstrate how low He could stoop, as though that stooping were arbitrary or aimless. Rather, He ordained that stooping this low …
Worshiping Irony
“The first Christmas was the time in history when God began announcing His mastery of irony . . . The great day of resurrection, the eschatological climax, will be what Tolkien called eucatastrophe, and will be literary catharsis writ large, although large is far too small a word for it . . . In worshiping …
The Sin of Agreeing With Her Husband
The apostle Peter was pretty clear about our duty to submit to our political rulers. “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of …
Brace Yourself
“The apostle Paul said that it was designed this way — eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him. Do you love Him? Then brace yourself, and sing to a world that needs to brace itself” (God Rest Ye Merry, p. 15).
With apologies to P.B. Shelley . . . I met a traveler from bankrupt land Who said: ‘One vast and hapless head of stone Lies in the desert. Near it, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered website lies, still down. That haughty look, and sneer of cold command, And photo-op poses, a myriad! Still …
This is the outline of remarks I gave to the male students of NSA this afternoon. Here are three things I want to set out with regard to the sins of words. I am not speaking here of the broad category of sins of the tongue — gossip, slander, quarrelsomeness, and so on. My concern …
And No Way to Catch It All
“Our good God, our overflowing God, our God of yes and amen, has always been able to promise far more than we are able to believe . . . God loves to bury [our faith] under an avalanche of promises. We serve and worship the God who overwhelms, who delights to overwhelm. At His right …