Our Secularist Funhouse and the Impotence of the Gospel

Our secularist age has had it. Yesterday at the ACCS convention Al Mohler reminded us of Elton Trueblood’s spot-on metaphor, when he said that our civilization was a cut flower civilization. And he said this back when the flowers were still nice looking — we have now come to the point in the metaphor that …

Black Is Black, I Want My Country Back

Riddle me this. The fact that there are no serious answers does not mean that there is not a serious question. Why is it that Bruce Jenner, a male passing himself off as a female, is hailed by all and sundry for his courage, while Rachel Dolezal, a white woman passing herself off as black, is …

The One Thing Bruce Jenner Got Right

There are two primal drives that define men and women in this fallen world. There is the thirst for forgiveness and there is the lust to start over. Outside these two groups would be those who are not really paying attention. Both groups recognize that life as it is . . . is miserable. Both …