Letters Largely About Les (Swing and a) Mis

Les Miss: The book/play is set in France in 1832, not the French Revolution Era of 1789-99. The war aspect of the play serves as a foil background to develop the main character, Jean Valjean. It truly puzzles me that one could zoom in so closely on this minor rebellion sub-plot and say that it …

The American and French Revolutions Compared

Introduction: So I would like to discuss the radical difference between the American and French revolutions, and would like to do so with the aid of Friedrich von Gentz (1764-1832). He was a German writer, thinker, publicist, and man of public affairs. He wrote a short little booklet comparing the two revolutions, and it was …

Ponderosa Pine Bark Chips

“If anyone seriously thinks by going natural, he will be escaping The Establishment, finally getting away from The Man and from the clutches of the good corporations, I have a bit of bad news. The corporations are way ahead of you. There are high-powered boards sitting around half-an-acre mahogany tables on the thirty-third floors of …

Those Letters Keep Coming

The Liberalism is Not in Remission Yet Pastor Doug, have you seen this? Thoughts? https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/10-lessons-from-reformation-in-sbc/ I find it ironic since from the contact I have with people in local SBC churches, liberalism is far from having been defeated. Amanda Amanda, I thought that article was outstanding, and on point. I like Al Mohler a great …

Bueller? Bueller? Mueller?

So let us begin with what the president tweeted on Sunday. “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes—and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” …