Introduction: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." William F. Buckley ...
More Than Meets the Eye
“The Church of yesterday is just as invisible as the heavenly Church. We lose the communion of the saints if we depend upon what we can see.”
And They’re So Creative . . .
Grace in the OT
“The Old Covenant is not the time in which God attempted to save His people through law, but, finding this to be a failure, decided to use grace and forgiveness in the New Covenant . . . the contrast in the New Testament is not between Old and New; the contrast is between Old distorted and Old fulfilled.”
An Actual Covenant, In Other Words
“This covenant of grace does not float above human history in some kind of ethereal way. The history of the covenant is intertwined with the rest of human history, including kings, battles, dates, and of course promises and sacraments.”
Book of the Month/October 2024
John Buchan was one of those characters, larger than life. He was an author and a statesman, and profoundly Scottish. He was the son of a Scots Presbyterian minister, and is probably best known today for his book The Thirty-Nine Steps, published in 1915 That book was the first of six Richard Hannay novels—spy thrillers. …
American Color
Somewhere in C.S. Lewis, he was writing about how colorful the Elizabethans were, and he said that this was a gift that the English had apparently bequeathed to their American cousins. I think there is something to this, and perhaps it will help us to understand shoot cussing, slang, and other related . . . …
Letter to the Editor: A WBS request:Hello Pastor Doug,I realize by the time you read this letter Reformed X will have moved on to something else to grumble about, but I still haven't ...
This, Plus Nothing
“We cannot make a distinction between the saints of the Old Testament and the saints of the New in this respect. They may and do differ with regard to gifts and graces, but individual justification is the sine qua non of being a genuine saint of God. In all this we are discussing, and reaffirming, the traditional Protestant doctrine of the righteousness of Christ imputed to those individuals who are elect. This, plus nothing, constitutes the ground of their final acceptance before God.”
Other Saving Graces
“The kind of faith that God gives as a gift is always alive . . . when God has done this wonderful work, the faithful instrument does not shrivel up and die. It continues to love God and obey Him . . . Faith without works is a dead faith, and a dead faith never justified anybody. Saving faith is every accompanied by all other saving graces.”