I just finished a fascinating book on the disintegration of French culture and national life, but one of the most striking things about the book was a comment the author (Denis Boyles) made in passing on the last page. “I was once a college teacher, and as those who teach know, the politics of the …
More Out of the Nail Can
As we sort through the propriety of using satiric speech, there is first the doctrinal or theological aspect of it (what does the Bible require of us?), and after this is the practical or pastoral aspect. I would like to key off several important comments posted under my recent post on The Nail Can of …
Another Source of Strife
Another source of strife is an inability to see a disagreement from the other’s point of view. An ability to do this is not a concession that this other point of view is correct, but it does show the flexibility of heart that is necessary for avoidance of intractable strife. Paul tells us that we …
Can Faith Be Bronzed?
Every word which men speak or hear in worship must either renew that word or cheapen it. God has determined to sanctify us through His Word, and therefore, because of our sinful inclinations, we tend to invent various shifts and devices in a vain attempt to keep this sanctification from happening. Of course, overt denial …
As a result of a reporter setting up an interview with me, I found out that The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, as part of their sponsorship of banned books week, has listed Southern Slavery As It Was as one of the books that was “challenged” by the censorious this last year. Their little …
If At First You Don’t Secede . . .
“But let me defend them to this extent. They do not want to maintain a distinct Southern heritage because they are afraid that some Yankee judge will outlaw grits. Please note where we actually are as a nation — just a few week away from the full faith and credit clause of the mangled Constitution, …
The Nail Can of Bitterness
Once a British politician was running for office, and he was confronted by a heckler who shouted out that he would not vote for him if he were the archangel Gabriel. “Ah,” the politician replied. “But if I were the archangel Gabriel, you would not be in my constituency.” Now they were both speaking “negatively” …
Sorry about the silence everybody. Yesterday I was pounded, and today somebody apparently cut the fiber optic line between Pullman and Moscow on accident. Back up now.
More Than Honest
The other day I thought I was going to be able to stop writing about Terry Morin’s postings about Christ Church (and about me). But this turns out, in the event, not to be the case. Here is at least one more. The reason for this post is that I need to correct one error …
On the Prowl for the Lord’s Will
“How should a young man seek a wife? What should his criteria be? First, a few important pointers on what not to do. Do not hand out photocopies of this chapter at the college and career class at church, announcing in a loud voice that you are ready for the marital state and are earnestly …