Book of the Month/June 2012

In this very fine book, Jonah Goldberg rises to the defense of ideology, and about time somebody did. He acknowledges that there has been a stream of Burkean/Kirkian conservative thought that has been suspicious of ideology, but this has just been the natural prudence that wants to avoid movements in the grip of one idea. …

Not Even Sure How to Spell Kleagle

In his engaging and admirable book, Bad Religion, Ross Douthat mentions me in an aside,[1] and in that particular citation, he touches on a few things that need to be addressed at the very outset of any argument for a “mere Christendom.” They can be grouped under the heading of proposals that no one should …

Christ Church Summer Music Camp

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Christ Church’s third annual Summer Music Camp: The Whole Armor of God. The camp will run from July 16-21 and is co-sponsored by Trinity Reformed Church and New Saint Andrews College. Students will study Ephesians 6:10-20 (and related Scripture) and sing musical settings of …

That Seamy Chain of Syllogisms

Marriage is a political act, and not an individual choice. How you marry is a way of testifying to what city you belong to. Who defines marriage? The difficulty we are having in our generation in answering this question shows how theology shapes and drives everything. If God created the world, and put one man …