No Convenience Store Holiness

“There is such a thing as righteousness on the earth and righteousness within marriage. It is not the case that a backslidden Christian is under one hundred feet of water, and the godliest saint who ever lived is only under three feet of water, but both of them are equally wet. Rather, obedience and disobedience, …

Book of the Month/August

I owe a lot to George Gilder, and with his release of Knowledge and Power, that debt has increased significantly. Decades ago, I first read Sexual Suicide, a book that later became Men and Marriage, and which I have read again several times in that form. I was greatly influenced by Wealth and Poverty when …

Lunatic Wars, Lunatic Lusts

Chesterton says that loving and fighting go together. “To love a thing without wishing to fight for it is not love at all; it is lust.” “He knows that loving the world is the same thing as fighting the world” (Appreciation and Criticism of the Works of Charles Dickens). Chesterton rejects the silliness of today’s …