No Other Options
“If doing what God says to do is obedience, and true faith is doing what God says to do, then true faith is obedience.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 691
Good and Necessary
“Here is a good place for some good and necessary consequence. A command can only be disobeyed or obeyed. Ignoring it is disobedience. Pretending not to hear is disobedience Given the authority and legitimacy of the command, there are no other options. If someone wants to maintain a third possibility, I am open to hearing what it might possibly be. Now, does God command men to believe the gospel?”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 689.
Mr. George Knightley, Groomer
September 25, 1817 Reverend Sir, I am mindful, as always, of the great debt that we owe to your eminence, and we are as well grateful for the spiritual oversight you so graciously provide for your people. In the two years since the marriage of Mr. Knightley to Miss Wodehouse, my husband and I have …
What We Were Told
“Now when God through His preachers tells us that Christ died and rose again, and commands us to repent of our sins and believe this message, is it possible to obey Him by repenting of our sins and believing the message? Of course. When we do as we are told, we are obeying. If we are told to respond to the goodness of God by faith alone, and we do so, are we disobeying? Of course not—we are obeying. If we try to shoehorn in some of our own autonomous works so that we might get some of the credit for our own salvation, are we obeying? No—in the name of works and obedience, we are disobeying. The motion of believing does not therefore displace the motion of obeying if believing is what we were commanded to do. The action of works-righteousness fails, not because it is obedience and obedience is bad, but rather because it is disobedience and disobedience is bad” ().
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 687-688
Letters Right After Taxes
Letter to the Editor: Question regarding the use of the divine pronouns. From what I can tell, you capitalize them consistently in your work. I'm reading through Rosaria's 5 Lies and ...
The Grace of Obedience
[Responding to 2 These. 1:5-8; Rom. 6:17; Rom. 1:5; Heb. 5:9; 1 Pet. 4:17]
“Because of a superstitious avoidance of certain words (obedience reminds some of merit-mongering) we not only find ourselves trifling with the sacred text, but also neglecting the simplest solution in the world, one that should fill every Protestant heart with gladness. ‘Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent’ (John 6:29).”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 686-687
And a Warm Welcome to Tucker Viewers
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of flying out to wherever Tucker’s studio is, maybe in the Maldives somewhere, and sitting down with him for an interview. The teaser is below: Pastor Doug Wilson is the Christian nationalist they warned you about.— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 15, 2024 And the full interview …
The God of All Abundance
Introduction: God did not create man because He was lonely. The Creator of all things was not trying to fill up any sort of lack in Himself. He is fullness itself, and is never in need of anything. ...
No Dead Faith
“If Adam had stood the test, it would have been through the instrumentality of faith-animated obedience, graciously given by God. We, however, are fallen, and God does not justify us on the basis of raw, autonomous works, and He does not justify us on the basis of Spirit-animated obedience. He justifies us through the instrumentality of Spirit-animated faith, a faith which continues, after the initial moment of justification, to be animated in obedience.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 676