Letter to the Editor: Western civilization is certainly dependent on the influence of Christianity which has so influenced the culture. How much weight do you put on Christian influence ...
Great in Theory
“Semper reformanda is not something we should all chant together right up until someone actually tries it.”
Smashmouth Rising
Introduction: Last week I participated in a debate over abolitionism and abortion with T. Russell Hunter, sponsored by Bibledingers. I thought the exchange was fruitful, courteous, and well worth considering. ...
All the Prepositions
“We are saved by faith, over faith, under faith, through faith, and to faith. And it is just this kind of ambiguity that has led some scholars, over and over and over again, to wonder about my commitment to sola fide.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 955
Is Covenant Breaking Possible in the New Covenant?
“But if the covenant of grace is synonymous with election, then covenant breaking is impossible. But if that is the case, whose bodies are scattered across the wilderness?”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 948
Chicken and Egg
“I am not in the covenant of grace because my name is on a list. Rather, my name is on a list because I have been united with Christ.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 947
An Actual Dilemma
“Those who say that faith is not possible for an infant are left with two choices—either all infants who die in infancy are damned, or sola fide is not true and elect infants are saved another way.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 943
Dangerous Grace
“Paul calls the cup of the Lord’s Supper the cup of blessing. He does so even though a number of the Corinthians were sick or dead because of how they came to it. Uzza was struck down because he got a little too close to the mercy seat. God saved the people from Egypt, but then proceeded to fertilize the wilderness with a good many of them.”.
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 937
Originalist Westminster
“It is a paradigm shift, or a system shift. But not from the pristine WCF to something else, but rather as an attempt to read the WCF as though the democratization of American Christianity had never happened.”.
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 936
Might Be a Plan
“I certainly don’t want to be harsh with the men who talk with us because of the men who won’t! But I have been wading through a lake of this crap for so long I am thinking about buying a boat.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 933