A Conservative History of the American Left by Daniel J. Flynn My rating: 4 of 5 stars A fascinating tour of the left wing of the American mansion. We have had a great array of glorious weirdos. View all my reviews
Book of the Month/October 2015
I had the privilege a few weeks ago of speaking together with Anthony Esolen at the Illinois Family Institute. His talk was fantastic — he has the kind of subtlety that is vigorous, lively, understandable, and brave. He is not like that scribesnpharisees seminar prof doing nuance to beat the band, watching his own hand …
Why Ministers Must Be Men
Since feminism is all of a sudden a hot topic here, I thought I should post a sample from my little book entitled Why Ministers Must Be Men. Since I am waiting for someone at the airport, I will have to include the cover photo and link later on. Begin with the Background Any discussion …
Wrestling With Ghosts
I would like to take just a few quick moments to answer some questions posed for complementarians by Todd Pruitt. Given how these things go, I will likely have to follow up with more comments in the future, but just for the moment I need to point out the vast discrepancy between where I am …
Review: The Two Towers
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien My rating: 5 of 5 stars I have read this multiple times, not sure how many. But just finished it again. Wonderful. View all my reviews
Review: Perelandra
Perelandra by C.S. Lewis My rating: 4 of 5 stars Great. Also read in January of 1990. And also read in April of 2009. Also read in January of 1985. Also read in July of 1980. Listened to it again on audio in 2015. View all my reviews
Comments at the Illinois Family Institute
Last night I had the privilege of saying a few words to the IFI. My notes are below. Regular readers may recognize a few paragraphs, but the talk was for the occasion. I want to thank the Illinois Family Institute for the very kind invitation to speak to you all tonight. In fact, in these …
Principled Carve-Outs and the Other Kind
Jesus said that when we are persecuted in one city, we should flee to the next (Matt. 10:23). The apostle Peter disappeared from the book of Acts a wanted man (Acts 12:17). The apostle Paul was lowered from the city wall of Damascus in a basket (2 Cor. 11:33). If we apply this thoughtfully, we …
Review: The New Testament
The New Testament by Richmond Lattimore My rating: 5 of 5 stars I have read through this translation once or twice before. It is by Richmond Lattimore, the noted classicist, and is quite good. This time through I read it aloud with Nancy in our morning ingestion of both kinds of caffeine. View all my …
Review: Noah in Ancient Greek Art
Noah in Ancient Greek Art by Robert Bowie Johnson Jr. My rating: 4 of 5 stars Parts of this were a bit odd, and he goes up the stairs three at a time sometimes (needs to show his work more), but it was interesting and provocative. View all my reviews