The Real Miracle

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The God of all creation, heaven and earth, sea and dry land, is a wonder-working God. He is the God of extraordinary miracles, and He is the God of all the ordinary miracles as well. What is more miraculous than all the ordinary things that surround us on every hand. God is the author of all this, and we cannot begin to thank Him for all that He does.

But though He works wonders, and is the God of an almost infinite number of miracles, He is not to be thought of as a ninth-rate magician, doing tricks on a table.

At this meal, He meets with us in the person of His Son, and He does this by escorting us all, in the power of His Spirit, into His heavenly courts. As we commune with Him there, we are being transformed from one degree of glory to another. As we partake in evangelical faith, we are being knit together in love, the way He has determined to do it.

This is not a magic show. He is not involved in the process of turning bread and wine into something else. He is involved in turning us into something else.

What are we being changed into? We are being transformed into – and this is truly shocking – we are being transformed into genuine human beings, men and women. God, from the wreckage of humanity made by Adam’s sin, is making a new humanity, growing us up into the image of Jesus Christ. This is not a sideshow transformation. It is a transformation that is the point of universal history.

When the bride of Christ is presented to Him, without spot, or wrinkle, or any other blemish, that presentation will be the result of God’s work throughout history as He fashions a perfect bride—and will do so from completely unsuitable materials. How can a spotless bride be fashioned from a diseased whore? But it has been done; it is being done; it will be done.

That is the miracle. That is what you should see. That is what you should know by faith.

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