When we ask God for bread, will He give us a stone? No, of course not. And when He has promised us bread, and we asked because of that promise, will that change anything? Still less. And when He has promised the bread of Christ, offered to every sinner who understands he needs salvation from the hand of God alone, will God pull it away from our mouths at the last moment? Again, no.
Too many debates about the Lord’s Supper in church history have concentrated on what the bread and wine “are like.” But our central focus should be on what God is like. He is our Father—He gives, He bestows, He provides.
God has not invited you here in order to trick you. If anyone is deceived here—and yes, there have been many—it is not because this meal was too complicated. Rather, it was because the sinful heart, self-justifying in all its ways, was too complicated. God keeps it simple. Here is bread and wine; here is Christ. Take and eat, and chew with the teeth of faith. Take and drink, and swallow the new covenant.
The blessed thing is that we don’t have to figure it out. We just have to eat and drink it.