Let Us Kneel Before the Lord our Maker

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As you know, next Lord’s Day, we will be moving to two services. The first will be at 8:00 am and the second at 10:30. We will try that out for a few weeks, and it is possible that we will move them both back to 8:30 am and 11:00. Let us know what you think.

When we move to two services (which we are doing for the sake of space) this means that the bleachers will not be pulled out and all the seating will be on the main floor. For those of you in the smaller service, whichever one that might be, please sit as close to the front as is practicable.

We have asked the deacons to set the chairs up a little farther apart, front to back, and we are doing this because next week we will also be introducing an opportunity to kneel in our time of confession. This is for those who are able to do so, and we are inviting your participation in this, not mandating it. We have planned this for a few years, discussing with the congregation, and here is our opportunity.

Kneeling is a posture for prayer that is commended to us throughout the Scriptures. We believe that the most fitting time for this posture in our liturgy is in the time of confession, when we are humbling ourselves before God. We will then ask you to arise that you might receive the assurance of pardon from the Gospel, and we will then sing the Creed together.

Some might ask why we will not be kneeling during the Lord’s Supper. There are a number of reasons, but the main reason is that we believe conservative Christians have cultivated an attitude of introspection and abasement in the Lord’s Supper for far too long.

So, as you prepare your hearts for worship next week, make sure you prepare yourself, and your children as appropriate, to kneel before the Lord our Maker.

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