Resting Upon the Sacrifice

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What you see before You is a table, and not an altar. It is a sacrificial meal, and apart from the sacrifices of praise we offer, it is not a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, after the sacrifices were offered, the worshipper was invited to sit down at a sacrificial meal which depended on the sacrifice, but was not to be identified with it.

Our Lord Jesus was sacrificed once, thousands of years ago. This once for all sacrifice was sufficient to set this table every week, in every congregation, until the end of the world. Without that sacrifice, there would be no meal, and so this must therefore be understood as a sacrificial meal. But if we were to make this the sacrifice itself, then we have fallen into the error of the Judaizers, who trampled the blood of the covenant underfoot. But the blood of the covenant belongs under your tongue, not under your feet. The bread of heaven should be in your hands, in your mouth, in your heart, and not thrown under the table for the dogs.

With this said, take care that your children are not exiled under the table, scavenging down there with the dogs. If they are covenant children, bring them to the table—feeding and teaching them. How is it possible to do this right? Only with humility and faith.

The faith is in Jesus Christ, crucified once for all. The humility is the child-like willingness to open your mouth, look to Him for nourishment.

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