Pointy Pagan Hats

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“I am reminded of the time I was reading Augustine’s wonderful work The City of God, and I came to the part where he was making fun of the pagan priests for wearing their silly mitres for hats. I thought to myself, huh, I thought, and flipped the book over for another look at the cover. There was the bishop of Hippo, helpfully and artistically rendered by some pious soul who thought Augustine would look good in a mitre” (A Serrated Edge, p. 79).

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John Michael
John Michael
2 months ago

Dear Pastor Doug, I am trying to find this section in The City of God. I found only a section where he makes fun of the Roman Pagans for esteeming Romulus more highly than Plato due to vanity. It seems that he tries to prove this point by saying while Plato receives not even a shrine, Romulus has been appointed priests of a special class. “To him they allotted a flamen, that is to say, a priest of a class so highly esteemed in their religion (distinguished, too, by their conical mitres), that for only three of their gods were… Read more »