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“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11)

Growing Dominion, Part 112

“A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if thou deliver him, yet thou must do it again” (Prov. 19:19).

This passage provides one application of a general biblical principle. This deals with wrath and anger (which of course applies to some in their business dealings), but the principle is a broad one. You get more of what you subsidize; you get less of what you penalize. In this case, it would be better to let the man with a temper pay the natural consequences of his outburst. If you bail him out, you will just have to do it again.

This principle applies in multiple ways to the businessman or merchant. It applies in employer/employee relations, in dealing with customers, in determining where to take your business next time, and so on. In the real world, it is often the case that the penalty does not have to be artificially applied, as we do with little children when we discipline them. All we have to do is “not pick up the tab” when someone engages in destructive behavior. This sounds easier than it actually is, but it is a most necessary lesson to learn.

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