Love Throughout the Week

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Jesus taught us to take and eat, not take and speculate, or take and quarrel. And not only did He tell not to quarrel, He specifically told us not to quarrel. This covenant bond is designed by God to draw us closer and closer together in love for one another, and to deal with those sinful obstacles within us that are preventing such communion.

This is communion, and it accomplishes communion. In other words, we are not just having communion while we are eating and drinking. The fact that we eat and drink together is a covenantal fact throughout the course of the week. When you deal with one another on Wednesdays, you are doing so as people who come to this Table together.

This is true if you are sleeping together as husband and wife, it is true if you are negotiating a business deal together, it is true if you are carpooling, and it is true if you are in the same classroom together. All those separate events have a common thread, and that common thread is your union with Christ made evident here.

But this means that this love feast should be resulting in love and charity expressed when we are away from the Table. When you eat physical food, you expect it to carry you to the next meal. The strength provided by the meal is not limited to the time you are eating. You do not simply gain strength enough to eat from the eating. You gain strength for everything else as well.

In the same way, this meal strengthens you—as you come in true, evangelical faith, remember—throughout the course of the week. And as you have different vocational callings, the strength required is different. If you are a realtor, or a housewife, or a teacher, or a heavy equipment operator, or a carpenter, God gives you strength. But the attitude that drives you all is to be the same—love—and so what God gives you here is the same.

Come together to receive that gift, and gladly.

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