For the Fire to Fall

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The exhortation this morning will be half announcement and half exhortation. But it is no less spiritual for being practical, and so here goes.

You all should recall that beginning next Lord’s Day we will be addressing the topic of Father Hunger, and we will be focused on that for 8 weeks. The HOH meeting on March 20 will provide a summary of all the activities that will be going on during the course of this campaign, so it would be great if we had a high attendance at that meeting—we want everyone to get the word.

During the next few months, there will be multiple opportunities to invite non-Christian friends to evangelistic events. Watch for the information on Gianna Jesson, an abortion survivor, the October Baby film, the Threshold services (which will be keyed to this theme), and to the weekly parish studies. This would be a good time to think through who God may have placed in your path so that you might invite them to something. Start praying for them by name, and invite them to one of the events. And if you have been planning on plugging into one of the parish studies, but have not done so yet, now would be a good time.

We are not trying to organize ourselves a revival. We do not have that authority. We are simply stacking wood sufficient for a great bonfire. We still have to ask to the Lord to have the fire fall.



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