Already Accepted

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We gather at this Table because we are accepted in Christ Jesus. We cannot pay in order to come here, and we cannot earn an invitation in any way. This Table is a table which is based entirely and solely on grace. This is why we can eat and drink—grace from top to bottom, and from front to back.

“Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works” (Ecc. 9:7).

This is why this is not a place for morbid introspection. We are invited to eat all our bread with joy, and that would certainly include this bread. We are invited to drink all our wine with a merry heart, and so that would clearly include this wine. And why? Because God has accepted us, and has accepted our works. If you are coming here in order to get God to accept you somehow, then you can never know if you are doing things perfectly. But if God has already accepted you, then come with joy, then come with a merry heart.


This is only possible because of the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ, imputed to us, given as a gift, straight across. God has already accepted you. This is why you can eat this bread and drink this wine with gladness and simplicity of heart. This is why you can come here with nothing to prove, and everything to receive. This is why we can invite you to come to Jesus Christ, and how His grace is offered here. Come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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