The Big Time

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Well, I guess I have made the big time. I have been featured in an expose in the Intelligence Report, published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is the world’s richest civil rights organization.

In the article, I am branded as an enthusiastic Taliban/Reconstructionist/neo-Confederate running pig-dog kind of guy. The article is, of course, full of howlers. But this does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about, although the concern is not from the Left. Of course, the folks who paid ready money for the Intelligence Report deserve to get a return on their entertainment dollar. Some people like scary movies to make the heart beat faster, some like the Tilt-a-Whirl at the country fair, and some like this kind of breathless conspiracy reporting. So, it’s a free country, and they can suit themselves. I hereby give the Intelligence Report permission to use my name in order to give liberals in Vermont needlessly clammy palms. Boo!

At the same time, there is a serious possible problem in this for us. That problem is presented by those nutcases from the right wing fever swamps who hear about all this, and really believe that something like this really is going on in Moscow. Then what do they do? They then might move here, for Pete’s sake. Well, don’t. I am constantly telling jokes like the following:

  1. “What is the most effective pick-up line at white supremacist conventions?” A. “Hey, nice tooth!”
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