I would like to thank all of you for your robust participation in this, our fourth No Quarter November, and this includes all of you—from those who left comments, to those who obtained free books, to the editors of The Guardian, whose crackerjack reporting discovered that people in Christ Church have paying jobs, down to the poor environmental officer for Washington state, who had enough people complain to him that he had to conduct an investigation regarding what happened to the boat, and whether or not it was at the bottom of one of their waterways.
As per my usual custom, I would like to give you a brief post mortem. As with most awards ceremonies, I would ask you to hold your applause to the end.
We successfully gave away a lot of books. The giveaways from the Mablog Shoppe here came in at over 12,000 units moved—All the Condemnation (1926), Theology of Christmas Presents (1613), Skin and Blood (1570), Song of Shulamith (1540), Parliament of Pots (1495), Scripture Stories (1448), Letters of Marital Counsel (1432), Bone of My Bones (1306), and A Review of Johnny Cash and the Great American Contradiction (1249). That’s a lot of ones and zeros. Well done.
Business was brisk at Canon also. This year they gave away over 14K e-books. This was down from the almost 50K books they gave away two years ago, but that was when we first did anything like this, and I suspect it is when a bunch of you stocked up. At the same time, a lot of you took the opportunity this year to shop at Canon, and so actual sales were way up. The sales of my books doubled from last year. And total book sales for Canon jumped 200% this month compared to last year, making in one month what took them 7 months in 2020 to do. Well done there also.
As I have begun recording my substantive blog posts to video, I have been surprised at how much that has taken off. Readership at my blog (you know, reading actual text old school style) has begun migrating to other platforms. And the increased reach on multiple platforms is behind much of the overall growth of Canon—e.g. podcasts and videos on YouTube. Taking everything together—meaning the whole shebang, Canon app, podcasts, etc.—views of our material are now running in the millions. In 2020, we had 2.5M views, and in 2021 (YTD), we have had almost 7.5M. We have mentioned over the years that we have been fighting an embargo on our material for quite some time, but I think we can now safely say that we have successfully by-passed the embargo. This is why, incidentally, a British newspaper decided to run a series of breathless expose articles on us. Look for more of that, and because you responded with sardonic smiles . . . well done there.
But you are really interested in the stats on the burn video, so I will close with that. Last year, the NQN video of my poor truck took in about 90K views, and this year the boat video was watched by 120K of you. Good job, people.
Comments are open if you want to make suggestions on what we should burn next year. I have told the Canon people I don’t want helicopters involved.
How about thousands upon thousands of masks? Because, let’s be honest, this stuff will most likely continue into next year.
You should burn a bridge next year. For a few reasons.
Nathan, I think he has in other ways, but I love the idea of making it visual.
I think Doug may disagree that his mission includes burning bridges. That implies conducting oneself in a way that makes future reconciliation difficult. I am fairly certain Doug believes, as the Bible proclaims, that we should desire everyone to be saved.
Burning a bridge is, to me,similar to shaking the sand off from your sandals when dealing with those who willfully refuse instruction.
Burn a strawman.
Isn’t that a Nov 5 thing?
Thank you so much for your NQNs. Great info, unbelievable insight, lots of laughs, and amazing resources. My wife have made it a tradition to sit down and listen to the Blog and Mablog videos. God Bless you, Christ Church, and Canon Press as you continue to boldly take a stand against the tide of the our culture and unashamedly present the truth of our Lord and Savior. Thank you for everything.
I feel like there is an opportunity to shift gears here, from burning things to blowing them up… All in good taste of course. Thinking you need a decent rifle, some tannerite, and a jack-o’-lantern?
Methinks you’re on to something there. Doug, what do you say? The Boniface Option but with TNT/tannerite? Would make for some great footage I’m sure.
Would the next logical burn be a house?
All they’d need would be to find out when the fire department’s doing one of those exercises.
Have a “Morning Star” (in the form of a mortar or firework or lit drone) light a fire to an enormous black goose. After the black goose is burned, a white swan should remain or rise from the ashes. Akin to a Reformation Phoenix. Having grown up in Southern Arizona…an enormous pile of tumbleweeds, surrounding a hardwood tree (like mesquite), would also be an example of what remains when the hay and stubble are burned away. Your NQN opening statement would need to be quick though…dry Russian Thistles burn quick and loud. Happy December Pastor Wilson, thanks much for NQN… Read more »
Maybe you can set an old barn on fire next year? Maybe have Doug set it on fire while inside, but walking out of the barn?
That actually happened here a couple of years ago. The fire burned out a man’s business. Because the business was in a barn, he couldn’t get insurance. The man is rebuilding praising God, all the way.
Time for a good old-fashioned book burning. I have a few gems on my shelves I could contribute.
Burn a vial of the clot shot. Be sure to wear a hazmat suit.
And burn it somewhere like Michigan, Vermont or New Hampshire: highly-jabbed states seeing record-high levels of hospitalizations.
COVID Cases Are Surging in the Five Most Vaccinated States (newsweek.com)
Also, the first omicron (“moronic” for you anagram fans) case in the U.S. is a vaccinated person in California.
A person with mild symptoms and is improving. I know that really sucks for you.
…. Heh?
Even under the most aggressively uncharitable reading, wouldn’t mild symptoms and improving imply that the Omicron variant thus far show negligable risk? Which would play *towards* Cherrera’s point of view?
Wow, thanks for impugning such motives, Will. I hate to tell you, you described my unvaxxed self when I had full-blown Covid, not its new, milder cousin. I know I was supposed to be on life support within 24 hours like your favorite fear porn says, but it didn’t happen.
Family of 6. All got Covid back in June I think it was, all the way from the health compromised wife all the way down to the baby.
It was a REALLY inconvenient couple of days. We had to call out. Lay down. Seriously hurt our schedules. Though not as inconvenient as when the wife got the vaccine a couple months later. Symptoms worse than COVID itself.
Not impugning the vaccine. Just relaying an experience.
Sport, tell that to the families of the 777,000 dead from Covid. But hey, whatever it takes to get you through the night. No telling how many people you infected along the way. No telling how many of those died. Your motives are front and center; you don’t care about your neighbors.
Why stop at blaming Cherrera for everyone who’s died of COVID? Lets be fair and reasonable and keep going. Personally I blame him for the Spanish Flu, Jimmy Hoffa, Hurricane Katrina, and the career of Rob Schneider.
I’d take blame for Jonestown as well, but Pastor Jim’s politics were much closer to Will’s than my own….and the Kool-Aid thing is almost uncanny to what’s being pushed on us today.
Cult leaders gonna cult:
You left one out.
Gentle Readers, please keep in mind that Will is a gossiper.
Demo is right. Your reading comprehension is poor.
Were you going to point out how that’s the case? Or were you going to stick exclusively to insults without substance this thread?
Your multiple responses are proof enough that you have a hard time grasping what others are writing.
Willie, I’ve worked with a lot of data. When you can toss in “probable” deaths to include murders, suicides, car accidents, heart attacks, etc., then your data is worthless. 777,000 may sounds like a nice, round (even holy) number to the clueless, but not those who saw huge problems from the beginning.
CARES Act Pays Hospitals To Report COVID Patients, Even Those Presumed | Sara A. Carter (saraacarter.com)
The “submit to totalitarianism or you don’t love your neighbors” schtick is so old and stale. Even Stalin must be blushing in his grave.
As has been pointed out to you dozens of times by numerous persons, the hospital ICU #’s, drops in life expectancy, and enormous rises in excess deaths all prove that the death toll from Covid has been at least close to the official toll and most likely much greater. No one is faking the existence of over a million extra death certificates.
“As has been pointed out to you dozens of times by numerous persons…”
Correction: As has been asserted hundreds of times by one person — Jonathan.
Hate to burst your bubble, kiddo, but your claims don’t magically become true simply because you act like a broken record.
That would be yet another of your falsehoods, FP. To cite just one person far more trustworthy than you, Demo has repeatedly pointed out that the Covid death toll is largely correct due to those exact same confirming statistics I just pointed out.
So, where’s the citation?
Or is this another one of your falsehoods?
Here you go, Doc.
“Thanks for admitting this thing ain’t a vaccine. All the more reason to burn it — after banning it and anyone who tries to force it on everyone else.”
And whap! goes the rake.
Jonathan: “To cite just one person…Demo”
And…. a bunch of hot air but no citation from Demo.
Go back to your room and play, little boy. You clearly don’t know how to follow a discussion thread.
FP, real question I’ve asked you dozens of times – are you a Bible-believing Christian? And do you go to a church? Or are you here just to push far-right propaganda and spew insults?
Because you’re repeatedly insulting people in the most demeaning language, and you work very very hard to push the hard edge of right-wing talking points, but I have seen little evidence that you’re interested in the Bible or in the Christian life.
You’ve demanded answers from me before. So can you give a simple answer to those questions?
Just last month, for example, Demo said this:
Not that I have no problem providing citations for my claims. Because I’m telling the truth.
Checking in on that last sentence, I was curious about places that track just deaths, in general, not by cause. https://usafacts.org/articles/preliminary-us-death-statistics-more-deaths-in-2020-than-2019-coronavirus-age-flu/?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ND-StatsData The problem is I don’t think anyone really believes that there are NO deaths from Covid. Rather, they are not frightened by the deaths from Covid, and do not trust the people who track the numbers. Arguing with the goal of getting to accept the death toll numbers doesn’t seem very productive because, at the end of the day, they aren’t scared of them, and if the purpose is to get them to take COVID precautions seriously, getting them… Read more »
Justin, I agree with you in part. Remember how Steve Bannon said his misinformation strategy was “Flood the zone with s–t” to the point that no one would believe anything? We’ve seen much the same here.
Remember that at the beginning of the pandemic, when Fauci said we could see over 200,000 deaths in America, Pastor Wilson thought that was so ludicrous that it should discredit Fauci immediately. Now we’re at 800,000 and not a blink. We’ve become immune to mass death not for any rational reason, but because certain people flooded the zone until nothing mattered anymore.
There you go again. The number I used was on NYT Covid page. The CDC lists over 800,000. Willful obtuseness is not a virtue.
Did you self quarantine when you had Covid?
I have just watched a program on this very thing except the situation is on the European side of the Pond. The increase in infections, in hospital admissions and deaths is by far amongst those who have not been vaccinated. This has been investigated and the figures regularly published. This doesn’t mean the vaccinated cannot be infected or cannot pass on the infection, and especially the elderly with preconditions end up in hospital and intensive care, but the numbers are a fraction (1/10th) compared to the unvaccinated. You now have a situation where the majority who have been vaccinated (2/3rds)… Read more »
Ken B: “This doesn’t mean the vaccinated cannot be infected or cannot pass on the infection…”
Thanks for admitting this thing ain’t a vaccine. All the more reason to burn it — after banning it and anyone who tries to force it on everyone else.
Why are you ignoring the differing rates of infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated? As in significantly different. The vaccine is still effective in preventing serious illness. That is what matters at the moment.
The White House’s site says “We know how to keep students safe in schools by taking the right steps to prevent transmission—including getting all staff and eligible students vaccinated.” Did you catch that? “Transmission,” not “serious illness.”
President Biden’s COVID-19 Plan | The White House
Like you, they’re totalitarians who want even the lowest risked people jabbed by force. The narrative seems to change daily so they (and those like you who parrote them) can save face. Apparently you didn’t read the Lancet site I linked either.
“Apparently you didn’t read the Lancet site I linked either.” Yes I did. The article, ironically, quoted the Robert Koch institute on breakthrough infections. Most of the information I get on the infection rates comes from the RKI, this information is quoted daily on the news. The official source. You are not telling me anything I don’t know. The same RKI comes to the opposite conclusion to you. Because the vaccine has not proved effective at completely stopping infections amongst the vaccinated, it is all the more important for the unvaccinated who, in addition to spreading the infection at 10… Read more »
Keep your eye on the ball, Ken B.
You yourself admitted this thing isn’t a vaccine. So why do you insist on calling it such?
Words mean things.
Vaccines trigger an immune response in the recipient, they aren’t some sort of magic cure-all potion. The strength of the immunity depends in part upon the recipient’s system, thus the large majority of vaccines can’t imbue perfect immunity in all recipients. Claiming that anything that doesn’t result in 100% immunity from infection “ain’t a vaccine” is simply ignorance.
Jonathan: “Claiming that anything that doesn’t result in 100% immunity from infection “ain’t a vaccine” is simply ignorance.”
Good thing I didn’t make that claim.
Now, would you like to address what I actually said, or are you going to continue to stick your oversized clown feet in your mouth?
Anyone can scroll down and see that 11 hours later, FP admitted that he had indeed been claiming the exact thing he right here claims he didn’t say. Yet another example of FP’s loose relation with the truth: On 12/2, FP said: Ken B: “This doesn’t mean the vaccinated cannot be infected or cannot pass on the infection…”Thanks for admitting this thing ain’t a vaccine. All the more reason to burn it — after banning it and anyone who tries to force it on everyone else. On 12/3, FP said: Jonathan: “Claiming that anything that doesn’t result in 100% immunity… Read more »
Thanks, Doc. In what field did you earn your PhD? Because all those smart science guys and gals call it a vaccine.
Ken B admitted it isn’t. Perhaps you should take it up with him — as soon as you’re done worshipfully prostrating yourself at the feet of the lab coat brigade.
You said it wasn’t a vaccine. I’m supposed to believe that because you said so? Maybe that works your world but it doesn’t in mine. Again, why isn’t it a vaccine?
Having had this argument here before, what he means is that the way this vaccine works on a mechanical level is not the same way traditional vaccines have worked.
I disagree on his use of language however, as the definition of vaccine does not require that traditional process be used.
Its kind of like saying an HDTV is not a television because it does not work in any way the same as a cathode ray tube big box tv. He is saying something of substance, but quibbling over the labeling isn’t the best way to express it.
You should take that up him. Good luck with that.
Justin, if your explanation for FP’s (still false) claim is correct, then why doesn’t he specify the mRNA vaccines when he makes the statement? There are multiple vaccines out there for Covid and not all of them are mRNA.
Also, as you rightly point out it’s a ridiculous claim – no one ever claimed “mRNA vaccines won’t be vaccines” in the previous 15+ years they were being developed, just like no claims laser surgery isn’t surgery solely because a different process is used.
Justin: “what he means is that the way this vaccine works on a mechanical level is not the same way traditional vaccines have worked.”
Nope. That’s not what I mean. See my response to Ken B.
Justin: “…but quibbling over the labeling isn’t the best way to express it.”
Two sealed vials contain a clear, colorless, odorless fluid, which look exactly alike. One is harmless, you can even drink it.
The other will kill you shortly after you open the vial.
See the importance of labels?
What’s the definition of “vaccine”? Or do you need your “smart science guys and gals” with their PhDs to figure that one out for you?
You vicariously admitted on my behalf that the covid vaccines aren’t vaccines. I’ve never said that. The vaccines do what vaccines are meant to do.
Really, Ken B? I’m going to give you several definitions of “vaccine” as everyone’s understood it until the Most Politicized Disease in the History of Mankind came along; see if you can spot the thread: 26 U.S. Code § 4132: The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases. CDC until August 2021: VACCINE, noun: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. CDC until 2015: VACCINATION, noun: Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent… Read more »
FP, children get FOUR polio doses. Why is that? Because neither 1 dose, nor 2 doses, nor 3 doses is seen as enough to transmit full immunity, though you do reach 99% immunity after 3 doses. Does that mean the first few doses aren’t a real vaccine? One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps. So not a real vaccine? Looking up a few others: Chickenpox: 85-90% effective Flu: 20-60% effective depending on the… Read more »
Thanks for this comment. I doubt it will convince him. He’s not looking for the truth. He just wants to argue. And, he certainly doesn’t understand vaccines.
He and Dave peas in a pod.
Jonathan’s response embarrassingly reveals just how little you understand the subjects you comment about. You need a refresher course or two in the science of vaccines. A mea culpa on your part would go a long way towards rehabilitating your online persona.
FP, the claim you made was a complete lie. You claimed that Ken B had said this is not a vaccine, when he said no such thing. Since you lied about Ken B’s own words (which he has also pointed out), I was forced to attempt to interpret what you meant.
If you have an exact claim to make, then make it. But if you’re just going to claim that Ken B said the Covid-19 vaccine “isn’t a vaccine”, then you’re merely solidifying your reputation here.
“I was forced to attempt to interpret what you meant.” Now there’s a laugh. You weren’t forced to do diddly-squat. That your overweening sense of self-importance and your lack of self-control drove you to talk out your rump is no reflection on anyone else. Own your blunders. Before you started sticking your feet in your fool mouth, did it ever occur to you to ask in good faith what I meant? “Since you lied about Ken B’s own words…” Out here in the reality-based community, I quoted Ken’s own words. No wonder you can’t figure out what I meant. Your… Read more »
Yet another example of FP’s loose relation with the truth: On 12/2, FP said: Ken B: “This doesn’t mean the vaccinated cannot be infected or cannot pass on the infection…”Thanks for admitting this thing ain’t a vaccine. All the more reason to burn it — after banning it and anyone who tries to force it on everyone else. On 12/3, FP said: Jonathan: “Claiming that anything that doesn’t result in 100% immunity from infection “ain’t a vaccine” is simply ignorance.”Good thing I didn’t make that claim.Now, would you like to address what I actually said, or are you going to… Read more »
Yes, Ken B, you’ve certainly been programmed across the pond. Unfortunately it’s the wrong kind of programming.
The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing – The Lancet Regional Health – Europe
You act like a modern-day Pharisee (unvaccinated = unclean) and don’t even realize it. No, the unjabbed aren’t endangering you unless you’re very unhealthy and have a bunch of co-morbidities. If that’s the case, I suggest you live in a bubble or a 100% vaxxed commune of fellow Great Reset totalitarians–and stop trying to enforce your fear-based poppycock on others.
What if your better half has a compromised immune system? The unvaccinated are certainly more of a danger to her, and they are driving the pandemic across central Europe. There is nothing pharisaical about quarantining those who are spreading a serious disease. We visited a church recently with a view to possibly joining. They were a bit iffy with the corona rules. My daughter watched them on Sunday online, the pastor clearly ill and unmasked, and others talking about those flying off to America for thanksgiving. She was really shocked. Breaking the law, and carrying on as normal. Taking risks… Read more »
“That kind of lawlessness is not something evangelicalism should be associated with.”
No, Christianity (especially in the U.S.) shouldn’t be associated with blindly following tyrants (many of them unelected) who step over the rule of law. The Constitution is the highest law we follow, not the criminal elite class who trample it daily. If you think something with COVID’s survival rate is a serious disease worthy of long-term lockdowns (with a plethora of horrific effects) and mandatory vaccines, your cowardice is on par with your rotten hermeneutical skills. Just move to Australia or China already.
“The Constitution is the highest law we follow, …”
The law of the God of the bible is the highest law. I hope being ‘American and having the Constitution’ is not trying to topple God from his throne. The Constitution is not holy writ!
Ken you cite the Bible’s requirements that you follow the law to demand subservience to the law from others. The Constitution defines the law. You can’t ALSO say you don’t have to follow the Constitution. You’re taking contradictory positions.
Either you don’t get to attack people for not following the law, or you don’t get to attack them for following the Constitution. Take your pick.
Ken, you are correct as the current lawlessness enforced in Europe and starting to be enforced in the US should not be tolerated or associated with. Step away from the jab and the masks or be aligned with those wanting to kill those they disagree with. In Germany today The first photo translates to Unvaccinated Unwelcome. The second photo is the historical Jews Unwelcome sign The third photo translates to Gas the Unvaccinated This is what happens when folks fall away from God. Instead of Jews it is the unjabbed. When will Christians put their faith in God instead of… Read more »
I read the article. The comparison of the unvaccinated to the Jews during the war is beyond disgusting, whoever is doing it. I would be wary of taking graffiti too seriously, you don’t know who wrote it. I tried to track down the Ungeimpfte ins Gas and a site came up where such graffiti had swastikas as well, indicating the far-right were responsible for it, but I cannot be sure if it is referring to the same thing. There is a lot of frustration with the anti-vaxxers at the moment, but the anti-vaxxers are the ones turning to violence. Threatening… Read more »
As you wish. The Germans I knew were very much for following the party line — no matter what it is. The only time I saw any acknowledgement of the holocaust was on a stone near the Dachau ovens. It was hidden by trees and said think about what happened here. The German officers were upfront. Last time we lost the war. The next time that won’t be true. I would be careful about laying all the blame on Neo-Nazis rather than on Merkel and those in power. The push to jab everyone isn’t coming from the far right and… Read more »
Dave, can you clarify what you are insinuating here? Are you trying to suggest that Germans are mostly just like Nazis, or that Germans want to be Nazis, or that any German is a potential Nazi, or….what exactly? What do your claims about the Holocaust of 80 years ago have anything whatsoever to do with modern German leaders who openly denounce that regime and had nothing to do with it? Worth remembering that Southern Segregation was much more recent than Nazism. And there is present company who were far more closely tied to that regime than anyone in Germany was… Read more »
The push for mandatory vaccination is coming from various sources. One is now German industry who fear the consequences of continuing disruption or even lockdowns to get the infection rate down to a level the hospitals can cope with. Enforcement of corona restrictions by the authorities has also become more accepted, if not popular for much the same reason. This hasn’t always been the case. Not a few have been forced to change their minds on this by observing the progress of the pandemic. It’s not something anybody takes lightly. Several hundred unvaccinated are paying for their folly with their… Read more »
If Dave is consistent he’ll say that any government involvement in health care is just social justice gone wild and even government hospitals and medical insurance programs should be closed down. No Medicare, Medicaid, FDA, CDC, US Department of Health, or any other government health care, they’re all against Scripture. If God had wanted the government to be involved then he would have mentioned vaccination in Romans 13 right after the part about dropping atomic bombs on civilian populations.
Ken, what level of protection does a face mask give you from the SARS CoV-2? The government can give false security by saying wear a mas and those don’t know how to use a ruler will go for that recommendation. After the 2003 SARS, the WHO, other government organizations and even Dr Fauci told us wearing a mask didn’t stop the transmission of the SARS. I worked through the SARS in Shanghai and Hong Kong. The safety precautions we were told to use were proven to be ineffective and the WHO said so. Governments would be better off making suggestions,… Read more »
Can you cite your evidence for that claim? And don’t go with the “I remember it so it happened!” thing again.
If you mean “doesn’t prevent 100%”, then everyone has known that for Covid as well as any other respiratory disease. But if you’re claiming that all those groups said masks were useless for reducing transmission at both ends (the spreader and the receiver both), I’ve never seen such a thing.
“What if your better half has a compromised immune system? The unvaccinated are certainly more of a danger to her” First, there’s an old saying. Tough cases make bad law. You don’t use the niche case as the basis for deciding the rule for everyone because, as the name implies, its a niche case. My wife has many allergies, some of them lethal. Should all people, everywhere, be stopped from eating those things and having those pets to make her safer? When we go to a restaurant, should we be able to disallow others from having milk or peanuts because… Read more »
Unvaccinated= I don’t care about my neighbors.
“No, the unjabbed aren’t endangering you unless you’re very unhealthy and have a bunch of co-morbidities.”
Do you have a special gift that reveals those with co-morbidities?
There are a LOTS people walking around with undiagnosed co- morbidities. Maybe someone you love?
Will, somewhere out there, there’s a woman who was raped by a man wearing a red t-shirt, and every time she sees a man in a red t-shirt, she has an episode of post traumatic stress disorder. You don’t know if you’ve ever met her, or if you ever will. Will you promise, right here and now, to prove you care about your neighbors by not ever wearing a red t-shirt again? Ok, so how about blue, white, yellow, black, green and pink t-shirts? The assertion that you MUST agree to a certain life choice, because in theory you might… Read more »
I’m flabbergasted by your comment and I’m embarrassed for you. Same goes for your silly HDTV comment above.
I’m not sure which overton window you refer to (perhaps one restricted to some social media outlet?), but I haven’t seen the supposed slide.
Remember, way back in 2015 Pastor Wilson himself suggested that the unvaccinated could be forced to quarantine and then held liable for deaths that resulted if they didn’t follow rules and spread the virus. As of December 2021 not a single extremist ultraliberal state in the super duper secular fallen US of A has yet adopted an anti-unvaccinated position as extreme as our blog host held just 6 years ago.
Gentle Readers, Jonathan forgets that the other discussion concerned vaccines as previously defined by the CDC, not under the new definition of vaccine which includes gene therapy which does not specifically protect one against the SARS CoV-2.
The discussion from 2015 is different from the discussion in 2020 and 21 as the jab is not the same as a yellow fever vaccine.
No Dave, there is no “new definition” of a vaccine, mRNA vaccines are not “gene therapy”, and the 2015 discussion was in response to a controversy over pertussis vaccination. Pertussis vaccines, coincidentally, are about equally as effective as Covid vaccines.
Ken, If you drill down into the new definition(s) of what it means to be unvaccinated. The numbers are being manipulated to place blame for the restrictions on the new minority (unvaccinated). Remember the original stated objective? Flatten the curve, don’t overwhelm the hospitals, protect the vunerable, get to herd immunity etc. The goal posts are no where in sight now. There are enough credible voices raising serious concerns about the vaccine (even the definition of a vaccine has morphed).Why the restrictions, placed upon doctors/hospitals to deny offering alternate treatments to those who get covid? Individual rights and freedoms are… Read more »
The claim that numbers are manipulated to place blame on the unvaccinated is false. Breakdowns that pull out “partially vaccinated” show they are too small a % of the hospitalized to impact the overall stats. Vast majority of people hospitalized as “not fully vaccinated” have not received a single jab.
The definition of a vaccine has not changed. Whoever told you that lied.
Yes, the goalposts aren’t in sight because the unvaccinated population has remained too large. But not due to “credible voices”. We’re 18 months in now and those “credible voices” continue to be proven wrong on every count.
A number of those “credible voices” from the right-wing media have died from Covid.
Does not appear unhealthy or obese and was taking Ivermectin. Still one of 800,000+ Americans in just 18 months who died from “basically the flu”.

That one in particular is a heartbreakingly sad photo.
I checked to see if your claim held true for politicians. While 9 state and federal politicians in the USA have died of Covid (all Republicans), 8 of the 9 deaths came by January 1, 2021 with the 9th in February.
I wonder why 9 of them passed before a full year of the pandemic, while none have passed in nearly a year since? If we investigate this thoroughly, we may find a critical intervention that most politicians have taken advantage of even as many of their mouthpieces and constituents continue to hold out.
Yes, it’s terribly sad that these folks didn’t have to die. I imagine their last wishes were to tell everyone to get vaccinated.
I’d bet my last dollar that the likes of Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Louie Gomert are fully vaccinated. Do as I say, not as I do.
You should see about setting two statues on fire. One of George Floyd and another of harvey milk
I second the “burn a bridge” suggestion
Definitely burn a combine. Metaphor for deconstruction. Gives you opportunity to hit Big Eva on pessimistic eschatological worldview and how our current state of affairs destroys fruit or ability to produce fruit and be blessed.
I vote burn a ballot and let the blaze spread to box and booth.
That does sound very much in the direction that Wilson, Trump, and the rest of their ilk is headed.
Fiddle while Rome burns. Use CGI.
Or switch themes. Throw a baby out with some bath water. Pole vault a mole hill. Come some Big eva’s some slack. Hang in there. A play on “it’s not rocket science.” Get bent out of shape.
Burn some false and malicious indictments!
How about a tree?
I would burn a grouping of Hunter Biden paintings.
I am glad to see what God is doing through you and others. I hope one day to see your books in Spanish.
Helicopters are so 1990s…use a drone to shoot the footage. Burning Ideas: Brushfires in the minds of the people (see Samuel Adams) Start with a DW starting a brushfire and zoom out through the mind and eyes of a reader to his pirate flag waving blog on a tablet screen? (ala Innerspace) Burning bush reference….USE KEROSENE Burn a golden calf…an Idol (maybe it looks like Fauci or a doctor)! Paint a barn to look like a school? Tractor/school bus/ semi or box truck? A few Black Cat firecrackers would be welcome at the bottom of the pile. Fill the box… Read more »
How about writing an ultimatum in kerosene then lighting it on fire with a cigar and letting it burn down the desk it’s on?
Shoot a lit arrow into a field from a mountain trail and then walk down off the mountain into the fire speaking your chestertonian Calvinistic truth as you cheerfully walk through the fire and out the other side.
I have no idea what you should burn next, but I’m thinking your CGI person has a bright future ahead.
How about bringing cameos into the picture, like T Sumpter, J White, Knox, etc…?
Found your blog because the media was complaining about how scary you are. After reading some good posts here I determined the media was the one being scary, as usual.
How about burning your pride?!
Best suggestion, ever. But that’ll never happen, because … pride.