Real Justice

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We live in a time when many evangelicals are realizing that we are standing at the base of a really steep learning curve. These are demented times, and the steep learning curve consists of the effort you will need to exert just in order to keep your sanity. If you are in that position, and are not sure where to start, I would recommend starting with this book, The Justice Primer.

And if you click through, take a look at the other books there in the Mablog Shoppe. You can buy any of them in an e-form for one dollar, but there is a new option just recently added. All of the Mablog titles are now available in paperback, print-on-demand, from Amazon. At least for the present.

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4 years ago

The other related title I’d really recommend is Skin and Blood.

And do buy lots of print copies. They’re modestly priced, so go ahead and fill your shelves! 😁

4 years ago

American Thinker has published this apology that Pastor Wilson would be wise to take counsel from. American Thinker and contributors have published pieces that falsely accuse Dominion Voting Systems of conspiring to steal the election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently. These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Hm. I wonder who threatened them, and with what?

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB

Sure are a lot of cynics on this board of late.

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB

Well, it’s obviously been an Orwellian hate week, so I’m sure Dominion threatened them like only Woke Capital can do….and of course they’ll get the backing of the incoming Christ-hating administration Jonathan seems to love so much. The site also removed their comment thread like the Federalist did after Google went after them. There’s obviously more to the story…but let’s stick with the narrative like we’re supposed to! Jonathan must be downright giddy. Shutting down dissident voices; witch hunts and firings for peaceful rally attendees (only for right-wing causes of course); cancelling payment software and even insurance policies of the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

JP, are you suggesting that American Thinker is the type of outlet that would lie profusely in a statement like that and toss away their own credibility plus put democracy in danger? Why be afraid of a defamation lawsuit when defamation is notoriously hard to prove, basically impossible except where someone had actually lied? Trump and other conservatives with deep pockets threaten defamation lawsuit all the time, strangely I haven’t ever seen a statement like this in response.

Either American Thinker was lying then or they’re lying now, right?

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB


They were threatened by the truth, and wise counsel.

Clay Crouch
Clay Crouch
4 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Yep. Nothing gets your attention like a 1.3 billion dollar defamation law suit. Ask Sidney Powell.

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago
Reply to  Clay Crouch

The same Dominion that removed a very high-level employee from board of directors’ page because he was outed for saying stuff like this on social media and may have attended online Antifa meetings (he sure talks like them). Note: he uses 4-letter words in practically every sentence and has the maturity of an undisciplined 4-year old: If you are planning to vote for the autocratic, narcissistic, fascists, a**-hat blowhard and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW! No, I’m not joking. I’m all for reasoned political discourse and healthy debate- I’m looking at you ( 3 names of friends).… Read more »

JP Patches
JP Patches
4 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

Hey JP, thank you too much for dropping in. What with you, Jonathan, and Clay, all here, there is more Christian love on display than any one board could possibly deserve. An embarrassment of riches, to be sure. We should all be grateful to have the example you provide.

Matthew Abate
Matthew Abate
4 years ago

Authorities arrested an Antifa thug involved in the chaz operation in Seattle who also happened to be on Capitol Hill. Here’s the source:

Matthew Abate
Matthew Abate
4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Abate

More juicy nuggets on justice issues from around the world: Unequal weights & measures on display for all to see: Then NY Post reports that 23 people died from Pfizer’s vaccine in Norway. The majority were in nursing homes. This sounds like deja vu all over again since the majority of Covid deaths in the US and Europe occurred in nursing homes also called long-term care facilities: Then the CCP in apparent display of humanitarian concern for Norway, intervenes on Norway’s behalf saying that Pfizer should no longer provide their vaccine because of the harm it caused on elderly… Read more »

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Abate

The deaths in Norway were of very frail old people, and it is misleading to claim they died from the vaccine. It is not impossible it was a contributory factor. This has also been reported in the British Medical Journal. In Germany too there have been some 10 deaths of similarly frail and very old people. That some would die shortly after vaccination was bound to happen in a few cases. About a million vaccinations have been given so far. The deaths are being investigated though. I do have some reservations about the vaccine, but it would appear existing underlying… Read more »

Josh Pritchard
Josh Pritchard
4 years ago
Reply to  Ken B

Using your logic, the vaccine is unnecessary since the virus itself appears to have the same effect on old, frail people. I’m personally not an anti-vax, but I’d like to know a lot more about its effects before acting on it. Doesn’t seem like an unreasonable position. My parents are in an older category and their doctor, who is no conservative, advised them to wait and see and not get the vaccine in this first round. So it appears that when it comes to a doctor/patient relationship, and the responsibility of a doctor having to tell someone whether or not… Read more »

We Be Libtards
We Be Libtards
4 years ago
Reply to  Josh Pritchard

It’s revealing what you say here. You take an anecdotal instance of one doctor and then generalize it to the entire profession. Your logic is impeccable.

Not that I disagree your parents should wait.

Ken B
Ken B
4 years ago
Reply to  Josh Pritchard

JP – The vaccine is hardly unnecessary, but it is probably inevitable that you will get some cases where very elderly patients who would soon die anyway may have died slightly earlier with possible influence from the vaccine. Since elderly people, including some with preexisting medical conditions can and do survive infection with the virus it is still worth vaccinating them to give them protection from it. I’ve not gone to mainstream media (let alone social media!) for information. Not long ago I heard an interview with Dr Ingmar Hoerr who discovered the technique that has enabled the vaccines to… Read more »