The Almost Christmas 2022 Letters

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What Pairs With Schlossberg?

I am working on a sermon on idolatry and remember you recommending Schlossberg’s “Idols for Destruction” on your Plodcast, along with another book on idolatry. For the life of me, I cannot recall what the other book was. Do you remember or can you recommend other books on idolatry that complement or interact with Schlossberg? Thanks,


Derrick, I don’t remember specifically what I said, but my guess is that it was Beale’s We Become What We Worship.

Correction on Thomas Paine

I always enjoy your Plodcast episodes. Your review of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” on episode #259 caught my ear, since I teach this book at Logos Online School, and wrote the essay about it for the textbook Omnibus VI: The Modern World (Veritas Press). You remarked on how much Paine quotes the Bible in “Common Sense” as he argues for colonial independence from Britain, and I believe you mentioned that he was an “atheist.” This is certainly what Theodore Roosevelt called him (“a dirty little atheist”), but Paine was actually a Deist. In his later book, “Age of Reason,” Paine mercilessly attacks the Bible, but it is because he is trying to promote “pure, unmixed, and unadulterated belief of one God, and no more” (“Age of Reason”). Both conservatives and liberals like to quote Paine, and he certainly said things that appeal to both. It seems he became more radical in his later years. I’m not enough of an expert to know whether Paine’s beliefs about the Bible changed between “Common Sense “(1776) and “Age of Reason” (1794). But, regardless, your main point stands—Paine knew his Bible, and used it in a rhetorical tour de force that helped tip the balance of popular opinion in the direction of colonial independence. He also knew the Bible better than our liberal elites today, who quote vague platitudes about “faith” and “love”!


Gregory, thanks much for the correction, and I stand corrected.

Although I have no direct evidence of it, my conjecture is that Thomas Paine was indeed the typical Christian of the time, well versed in the Scriptures. It is my opinion that when the American government left him in a French jail, it may have been that event that turned him against God. A “Why has God abandoned me?” sort of thing. C.S. Lewis said that most atheism is based on an emotional decision. French jails may inspire it as well as anything.

Thank you for all you’ve done.


Russel, thanks, and see above.

More Fiction?

Please write more fiction books!! Any chance you got something coming down the pipe?


Ryan, yes, there is another one, mostly written, but stalled out because it still needs a lot of work. Thanks for the kick in the ankle.

Wolfe and Multi-Ethnic Ethnicities

Has Wolfe actually said that America is a multi-ethnic ethnicity? Or are you putting words in his mouth? He’s gone on record as saying that he doesn’t know how to actually apply his ideas about ethne to America. He says in his book that people of different ethnic groups “cannot have a life together that goes beyond mutual alliance.” Sounds a little different from what you’re saying, doesn’t it? And he has some concerns about blacks, as a group. How sure are you that he thinks the same way you do? How sure are you that Tulius Aadland didn’t have a buddy? You should look into this guy “Abraded Anglo” on Twitter. He sure howls like a wolf, if you know what I mean.



Matthew, no, I am not putting words into his mouth. In the Canon interview I had with him, I ask him specifically if “American” was an ethnicity, and he said yes.

Sorry for the Confusion

I’m confused by the title Chestertonian Calvinism and don’t want to purchase anything to find out what you promote and stand for. Are you a follower of Calvinism? I have received your emails for quite some time and did not know this. If I’m off base, please let me know. Thank you.


Peggy, yes, I am what they call a Calvinist. But if you would like a free copy of the book, please write me again and I will send it to you gratis. That way you won’t have to line our Calvinistic coffers.

Protestant Chant?

Hello Pastor Wilson,

In your book “Church Music and Other Kinds”, you make sort of a passing mention of chanting the Scriptures, describing a few appealing characteristics of chanting, such as: it’s simple to learn, only 10 chant tones, text subject to the tune, it being a good aid to memorize scripture, etc.

This is something I would like to learn.

But, other than finding a few beautiful Roman Catholic chants on YouTube, some general googling (a few months ago, mind you) and scanning of your writings doesn’t seem to yield anything that a.) seems to fit the description of what you write about, and b.) would be helpful for someone like me, who is entirely ignorant about chanting, to begin learning the kind of thing you describe.

Could you direct me to a book, website, article, chantbook, or something that covers these basics well enough to start learning this?

Thanks for your time.


Matthew, try this.

Prodigal America

Does it not seem possible to you that in America we embody both younger and elder brothers? There is certainly the hedonistic strand of egregious sins of the younger brother that you outline, but I’m becoming more convinced that we in the Reformed circle are in more danger of embodying the elder brother’s strand of unrepentant pride, blinded by the fact that we “believe” all the right things. When we see those who have not professed faith in Christ, who may in fact be wrong in various obvious ways in both life and doctrine, and yet are more courageous and more truthful than those in Christian positions of leadership whose lives are squeaky clean according to all our favorite measures, I have to at least allow that God’s using Assyria as his axe to hew down the forest of his unfaithful chosen may again be on display. No place for swagger for either younger or elder brother it seems to me.


Michelle, fair enough.

“It really is Christ or chaos. If you want to see an end to the chaos, then repent of your secularism. Repent of your overt secularism and your residual secularism.” I’m fully on board with you that the core of our cultural rot at the root of all of our problems is our turn away from Christ. We desperately need revival, now more than ever before. But I usually lump in with the libertarians at least partially when I hear statements like this—although I suspect we agree upon elaboration. The nuance that most fail to understand is how exceptionally lightweight our Federal government is supposed to be—I am completely against laws against just about everything sex related—including marriage definitions—*at the Federal level*. So while I do want Christian leaders pursuing God entirely throughout our government, there are many areas where I want power returned to local levels over and above “doing the right thing”. Thoughts?


Ian, I have no problem not having such at the federal level. But we must have a biblical understanding of marriage at the level which oversees the ramifications of marriage (property, custody, etc.). And that means local governments need to be Christian.

I’d be interested to read your thoughts on the following article by Jay Green. How helpful are his four quadrants, and to what extent would you agree with where he locates you and others? Thanks.


Pierre, I read that article with interest. While it seems to me that he makes many shrewd observations, the grid he proposes is based on a category mistake. I have no objection to the company he includes me with, but the classical liberal order is itself a civilizational value.

Narnian Snow

Re: A Meditation on Narnian Snow. On December 15th, a colleague returned to me a long-missing custom-designed travel mug, with a chosen inscription. I turned and handed it to our mutual colleague in the same room who is facing major surgery over the Christmas break. On December 16th, I read the Narnian Snow post, concluding with “Courage, Dear Heart,” which happens to be the inscription on the aforementioned travel mug. Immediately, I turned to my surgery-awaiting colleague and said, “God is telling us something!” The Deep Magic, for sure.


Jessica, thanks.

Pastor, I was moved by your reflections. As one who oft-times is caught wringing my hands at the tyrannical aspirations (and apparent successes) of the globalists, it is so very helpful to remember their place in God’s story—they’re just the villains, and the good guys win. And also to maintain a little perspective—they’re really just “thousands of pajama boys.” Thank you for resetting my alert-o-meter to “calm.” I find the wintry air refreshing, actually. And if I don’t see the sunshine, I know my descendants will.


Andy, yes, they certainly will.

Gospel Centeredness?

Merry Christmas-time to you and yours.

Thank you for considering my letter. It is two observations, then one separate question.

After a few weeks pause from your website, I just finished watching “A Meditation on Narnian Snow”, this was the BEST one of your talks I have watched in a long time . . . powerful, eloquent, “profound”, bitingly witty (ha, “thousands of pajama boys” ) . . . For inspiration I put it right up there with that powerful New Saint Andrews youtube video that came out soon after Joe Biden was elected . . . and if I may . . . being at a church Christmas program years ago, bummed out that Bill Clinton had just been elected, then hearing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and powerfully/happily reminded that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Eternal King in charge of all presidents and all that happens on earth.

Pastor Wilson, you are a not-small influence in my life. I love your keen observations on current events as seen through the lens of the Bible, processed with cogent/ trenchant logic, explained, defended, “winsomely” and often humorously presented, etc. and more or less “accessible” to someone like me. And when I occasionally listen/read your Sunday morning sermons I am heartened that Doug Wilson is preaching (it seems to me) the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and Grace, etc.

But I sometimes feel it necessary to distance from your website and observations on current events, etc . . . because even though I may think you are at least 95-98% correct on all your analysis, etc. Much of your *emphasis* hits me as being on very “secondary” issues—i.e. not emphasizing the Gospel (e.g. like John MacArthur and John Piper emphasize the Gospel, etc.). But on the other hand, I believe you are totally good and right and correct when you hold to Biblical holiness, “common sense”, etc. e.g. in refuting the woke “BigEva” “country club” preachers who embrace or accommodate the woke insanity under the pretext of preaching the Gospel.

My mind is open to “Post-Millenialism”, and/but it has its (Biblical interpretation) problems, just like all the other end-time views.

But I wonder if your Post-Millenialism is why you spend so much time (as I see it) on non-Gospel issues. Is this emphasis what you would call “Kingdom Building”?

Pastor Wilson, you might think I’m not mature enough (spiritually or otherwise) to “handle” your content . . . and you might be right. But I think what I’m going to need to do is try to quit my “addiction” to your website, etc. and take Doug Wilson “with a grain of salt,” if you get my meaning, sir . . . i.e. to put Doug Wilson and his (let’s grant, true and accurate) observations into the proper perspective in my *own* life and my *own* walk with the Lord, which means to take many things you say “secondarily” or tertiarily in emphasis to the Gospel as far as my own level of wisdom/maturity allows. And yet . . . all the while knowing that the Gospel affects *everything* and *all* of life (“All of Christ for all of life”)

Any response would be very appreciated, sir.

…and now my Question Please…. Because of your expressed example I have begun regularly listening to audio books in the car. One thing I have noticed is that the READER of the audio book can have as much (or more) impact on the benefit, enjoyment, appreciation, etc. as the CONTENT of the book itself. (e.g. Andy Serkis reading The Lord of the Rings).

Therefore, would you please consider… that when you mention an audio book, in articles, but especially in your yearly reading log—would you please consider adding the READER and/or the EDITION/YEAR of the audiobook” … i.e. for positive identification?

Thank you!


Robert, thanks for the feedback. I can totally see why some folks might need to take me in lo-dose tablet form, while others should stay away entirely. At the same time, I think it is worth noting that many of the folks who focused on “gospel-centeredness” were not prepared at all for all the worldview attacks that were leveled at that gospel.

A Happy Customer

Greetings! Just a comment about the Canon+ app from a happy customer. I signed up for the free trial in Nov (mostly out of curiosity) and ended up keeping my subscription. The amount of content is staggering and I’m not sure it would be possible to get through even half of it in the course of a normal life. I had no idea. I thought it was going to be all preaching, but there are documentaries, books, audiobooks, audio dramas, conferences, lectures, etc, etc. I’m mostly listening to the historical lectures and have already learned a lot.

For years I’ve been bouncing around podcasts, YT channels, etc, to find historical content: but you have it all in one place, and from a multitude of voices/teachers. I feel like I’m going to class when I open up my app in the AM, and I’m finding what I learned that day translates well to the dinner table later that night. It has pretty much replaced my podcast and YT time. The content is exactly what I was looking for: it’s edifying, encouraging, educational, and sometimes entertaining all at the same time. And the price? Less than my Quarter Pounder meal cost for me for lunch this week.

Anyway, I’m chiming in to:

1) say thanks, and

2) to encourage anyone on the fence to sign up for the app. You won’t regret it.


SC, thanks very much. Everybody! Listen to SC!

God Rest Ye Merry

Merry Christmas! I just finished listening to God Rest Ye Merry, and I found it tremendously helpful in preparing for the season that is too often filled with self-inflicted guilt over being too materialistic. Prior to this year, I don’t know that I had ever considered Jesus’s incarnation as a material as well as a spiritual blessing. I also appreciated the distinction between “being holy” and “being holy with the stuff” as you covered in your sermon/post on being Earthy & Holy. Thanks for helping me see Christmas in a new (or at least renewed) light.


Tim, thanks, and have a merry one.

Youth Ministry

I was recently hired to be a part time youth pastor at the church I am a member of. I am in seminary, and have spent most of my life ministering for the most part to adults, and my three daughters. I do not particularly agree with the modern approaches to youth ministries, or to the segregation of the youth into a separate ministry category. Nevertheless, most people do not agree with my assessments on youth either, so I am left with a youth ministry to oversee. All this being said, I am wondering if you have any general wisdom on how to approach this. I have purposed to the elders that I would simply teach biblical theology, systematic theology, presuppositional apologetics, spiritual disciplines, and biblical assessments of modern philosophies. Is there a summarized philosophy of approach that you would recommend, and any resources that you think would be helpful? Thank you,


B, if I were in your shoes, I would simply start by teaching them inductive Bible study. What does the text say? Go through a book of the Bible, verse by verse.

An Old Illustration

I remember a while ago you told a story, maybe it was a sermon analogy, I don’t recall.

It had a prisoner in a cell in absolute darkness, and the prisoner was petting something and it turned out to be a cockroach or something like that. I remember it really drove home a point. I would like to remember that point, could you direct me where to go to find that story, so it can hit me again? And maybe this time stick better? Thank you


Jon, I say this with the understanding that my illustrations sometimes get the better of me. It was a prisoner in a black dungeon, whose one comfort is a furry stuffed animal sort of thing. Someone comes into the dungeon and flips on a light. The prisoner looks down and sees that his comfort was a huge tarantula. At that point he has two choices—to throw the tarantula away from him (repentance) or to yell at the guy to turn off the light (hardening the heart).

An Ordo Salutis Question

Does true knowledge precede faith?


Kevin, I think that regeneration, an act of God alone, brings faith and true knowledge to life simultaneously. Knowledge precedes faith (how will they hear without a preacher?), but I think that God must give eyes to see before the knowledge can be said to be true knowledge.

Amen From Me

RE: We Already Live In A Theocracy (On YouTube [They still let you on there?] ) Hello,

I write as a friend, or at least as one friendly to your cause. I especially think your point of “not whether but which” is very relevant: we live in a theocratic state _now_, and the new religion that came into town does not hold the same view of religious tolerance that we do. Anyone who doubts that need only publicly resist (to pick one example at random) Drag Queen Story Hour and see how the adherents to the new religion sweetly bow to your right to freedom of conscience.

I think if I were on Joe Rogan’s show, or in a conversation with any other non-Christian who has started to notice that the Wokesters are really starting to go bananas and show no signs of stopping, I’d point them to That Hideous Strength, and especially the conversion of Jane Studdock:

“You mean I shall have to become a Christian?” said Jane.

“It looks like it,” said the Director.

Lewis, C. S.. That Hideous Strength: (Space Trilogy, Book Three) (The Space Trilogy 3) . HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

Mr Rogan (I’d say,) you say you want to stop this insane new religion? This new thing that seems as powerful and evil as the Nazis themselves, and yet that people seem peculiarly blind to? This new whatever-it-is that drives people to glassy eyed insistence that women are defective men and men can get pregnant? Well, I know how to stop it. You shall have to become a Christian.

Okay, having established that I’m really on your side (at least I think I am), I have a question now:

Religious tolerance is a good, right? Shouldn’t we be quick to point it out when others (like this R Scott Clark in the video I’m responding to) accuse us of wanting to start a state religion? I think in your ideal American Biblical Republic 1000 years from now there would be no Mosques (or at least very few), but assuming you got your way, would there be any Mosques in 10 years? What about Temples? What about Baptist churches? I’m sure you get my drift.

Put it more succinctly: Why not point this out and say that in one view of the future (ours) people would be free to practice the religion they choose (wrong though they are), and in the other view of the future (theirs) people wouldn’t.

“Mr Rogan, you say you want religious freedom? You’re worried about a state church? *Me too.* That’s not an argument against Christian Nationalism, that’s why we need Christian Nationalism.”

I write this acknowledging that the ideal American system, even in the near term, should have some public acknowledgement of Christianity’s truth. I think an amendment to the Constitution that establishes an ‘Article 0’ that consists of the Apostle’s Creed would be reasonable. The ‘0th article’ appeals to the programmer side of me, and perhaps the presuppositionalist side of you?

[I guess that would mean Federal officials and others who swear an oath to the Constitution would have to be Christians (or at least Christians in name only.) Perhaps people would balk at that, but perhaps as the Wokesters get more crazy people will look at the two of us (Christians and Wokesters) and decide that maybe the Christians are less crazy. God has saved people whose conversion seemed to consist of deciding that maybe being a Christian is less miserable than being drunk 23 hours of the day. He may deign to save America in a similar way.]

Even with the proposed ‘Article 0’ above, I think we should point out that this is _not_ an establishment of a state church, that people would still be 100% free to go to whatever Church/Mosque/Temple they want to on Sundays, and that we are in no ways proposing a state religion or a state church.

What do you think? Is this too much of a compromise with the existing secular order? Or is this the kind of thing that just might work?

Looking forward to your thoughts,


Jason, I believe we are more or less building the same bird house, with some sandpapering to be done here or there.

Good Luck

It is often said that the neighbor is someone who is in need. When it comes to finding a wife, who is a man’s neighbor? Is his neighbor the attractive girl or the unattractive? Is his neighbor the girl in his own league, or one out of his league. Or, is his neighbor another man who wants to fish from the same pond? Don’t these people all have the same need?


Justin, I think you are confusing selflessness with love.

Some Pushback on Ukraine

I really like listening to your podcast but I’ll have to say I was quite taken aback by your stance on Ukraine. Do you really think that arming Nazis is a good thing? Do you not know what has been going on in Ukraine over the last 8 years? Do you not know about what has been happening in Eastern Ukraine to the people of Donbas? They have been terrorized by their own countrymen for years. Do you not know how the US has been involved in creating the current situation? The West is more to blame for what is going on than Russia? The West made no effort to deescalate the situation and to really listen to what Russia’s issues were. You really need to look into what kind of people we are arming in Ukraine. You really need to look into what happened on Maidan Square during Obama’s presidency and the US’s involvement in what happened there. You really need to look into how Ukraine and the West has violated all the agreements they have made with Russia including the Minsk Agreements. The US should not be arming Ukraine nor trying to push NATO right up to their border. Can you imagine what the US would do if Russia and/or China decided to set up coup in Mexico and then arm that government? The US thinks they are allowed to act anyway they want all around the world but no other country is allowed to do the very things that the US does all the time. It’s shameful. I would say it’s a rather uninformed position to believe that the US should be supporting Ukraine with weapons. If the US really cared about the people of Ukraine, they would be doing everything they could to create peace, not doing all they can to create a longer conflict which only leads to more death and destruction. If you think that all Russia cares about is taking more land, you are listening too much to the main stream media. Russia has been provoked and they are doing what they have to to put an end to the western-backed nonsense that has been going on in their neighborhood. With all due respect, I think you need to do a little more research. You could start by listening to the Duran podcast.



Michael, I was and am aware of most of the things you mention. They are all included in the budget.

A Bride’s Last Name

Good afternoon (or morning, evening, whathaveyou); I wanted to see what your thoughts would be on a bride taking her new husband’s last name, but also keeping her father’s last name as a second middle name. So if I were to marry a Mr. Smith, the name would be Nellie J. Aspen Smith.

One reason to do that is so that artistically I would be able to keep my current portfolio, which I have spent many years building.

Another reason is that it would be more comfortable to me. I have been an Aspen all of my life, and after so many years I had assumed I would die an Aspen. Letting go of that name and the rich Christian legacy I have tied to it seems like such a mournful thing. I really love my family.

I suppose the hard part is that the Bible talks about us leaving our fathers and mothers to start our family. It seems unfair that I should have to set aside my family name but my fiancé can keep his. Family legacy and genealogy isn’t even as important to him, his mother has passed away and his father is distant. His extended family are not Christian.

In whatever I did I would want it do be something that was a decision me and “Mr Smith” made together, because I wouldn’t want it to be something that came between us or symbolized a lack of submission I suppose. And I would probably be generally known as Nellie Smith, but, I just want to hold onto the last name I grew up with.

What are your thoughts on all of this? Am I wrong? Am I missing something? Can you help me understand what is good and biblical?


Nellie, I don’t see any problem with doing that—the only problem I have would be in your use of the word “unfair.” But if you do it in the spirit of the daughters of Zelophehad, I don’t see a problem.

Imprecatory Prayers

Keeping the guidance to not take the bait at the forefront, at what point should praying for our leaders include imprecatory prayers?


Robert, I think we are there now.

A Practical Launch Question

My husband and I have valued your insight and teachings on various subjects. As we navigate parenting adults children, we’ve hit a learning curve and would love some insight and help. We have listened to your talks on parenting teens, and the freedom they should get, but what about when they want to move out for good, specifically daughters, and for no other reason than to be “independent”.

1) Is it wise for a young lady say 20, to leave her parents home and live alone, because she wants independence?

2) should daughters be viewed differently than sons in this regard?

3) How long is a child under their father’s authority, and obligated to obey? What, if any, circumstances break free from this command?

4) how do we react to/treat/and view an adult child who moves out against her father’s wishes and wisdom? Forsaking a family home for “independence”? Is that child wayward, or just being an adult?

Thank you.


Katie, sorry, but it all depends. There is a good kind of independence and a bad kind. If the family remains close, and if your daughters are eager to lean on their dad for counsel and protection, I don’t see a problem with them moving out.

A Thought Experiment

Regarding chaos on the southern border. A thought experiment. Let’s say that big revival that you and I have been praying for finally comes. PCA people start repenting of their effeminacy. Silicon valley tycoons get baptized and repent of their social media company’s taking “requests” from the FBI. Walmart CEOs repent of putting out Christmas decorations before Halloween. (Hey, I’m thinking big here.)

In fact, the POTUS gets saved and joins a CREC church, and you become his spiritual advisor. (We Christian nationalists can dream, can’t we?)

He comes to you and says “Brother Doug, I’m going to deal with the chaos on the southern border. Folks just can’t live like this anymore.”

“Our immigration policy explicitly states that potential death is one of the deterrents for folks crossing the desert and coming into Arizona. I’m changing that. Nobody should even be detained for coming here without some goon’s permission, and they certainly shouldn’t die. Plus, death penalty for all coyotes who leave anyone to die. Eye for an eye.

Furthermore, there are people clamoring to trigger federal codes about invasion in order to invoke a more militarized response. That is statism, pure and simple! Real Patriot act stuff. I’m ending that nonsense.

And then, folks are are clamoring to build walls on private property. As if eminent domain was not a harbinger of the doom of Christian civilization. I’m giving every rancher who doesn’t mind Mexicans walking across his cactus patch permission to shoot any federal drone out of the sky.

Since the Bible ties the prosperity of a nation to how it treats immigrants, I’m giving dollar-for-dollar IRS tax breaks for every American who brings a penniless, paperless immigrant into their home and helps them get a job so their kids can have bread put into their mouths.

Finally, I’m going to incentivize the dissemination of poor immigrants equally across the interior of the country, so that the unavoidable and glorious messiness which always accompanies caring for poor people is not shouldered exclusively by border states.”

When you hear your new parishioner’s plans for the nation, do you counsel caution and patience, or do you give his radically biblical Christian Nationalism your blessing?



Judd, there is some value in what you say. But I think you are starting at the wrong end. I would start with cutting welfare benefits, free schooling, anchor babies, and so on.

A Hypothetical

I feel the only way I can present this question is hypothetically (and understanding that counsel is difficult to give in hypotheticals).

A married couple with young children live in an extremely remote rural area. The husband is distrustful of church government and keeps the family distanced from any real church community.

Work has become supremely difficult, along with a good handful of other genuine stressors including some difficult and unexpected deaths in the family, and the wife has started to notice a lot of despairing talk from him, with even some mentions of suicide on especially bleak days. When he’s not in despair, he’s often irritable and prone to flares of temper, venting his spleen on the wife and the kids.

What is a wise course of action in this sort of situation for a wife whose husband would consider a cry for help to the elders (whoever they might be) an utter betrayal of his confidence?

The isolated nature of the family means no way for her to do it “anonymously” . . . any spilling of the beans, so to speak, would be immediately traced back to her. Her husband has already commanded her to speak of their troubles to no one.

She understands that crying out to God is a real and effective course of action, but the fear of what is frightening in the meantime is something of a looming temptation.

If you have any broad wisdom for situations such as these, I would be blessed to hear it.



N, the husband in such a situation does not have the lawful authority to command her to be silent about the situation. For example, if he took his gun, said that he was going out into the woods to shoot himself, and commanded her not to speak of it, should she obey? Of course not. But since anything she does would be traced back to her, then she needs to go straight up the middle. She would need to tell her husband that if there is any intimation of or talk of suicide, or anything else equally drastic, her first action is going to be to call the elders. If he says that needs to obey him, then she should reply that he needs to model obedience for her. And obedience from him means getting help.

Paedocommunion and Visiting Elsewhere

You have undoubtedly addressed this topic elsewhere. My apologies, if so.

I am a new convert to the form of paedocommunion practiced in the CREC. I have just recently allowed my 3-year-old, baptized son to partake in the elements because he has regularly expressed both his love for Jesus and a desire to partake. We attend a CREC, so no problem there. But how should I handle the Supper when visiting other churches that do not practice paedocommunion? For instance, my parents attend a faithful PCA that we visit with some regularity. I suspect it’s something of a “when in Rome” situation? If so, can you offer any practical advice for how I can explain to my son that he is welcome to the table at our church, but not elsewhere?

Grateful for your faithful ministry.


Samwise, I would first check with the pastor of the church to see what their standards are for this kind of situation. If they would prefer that your son not partake, then I would honor that. And use it as an opportunity to teach your son about extending charity toward Christians who disagree. But at the same time, if I were you, I would refrain from participating alongside him.

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2 years ago

Could someone enlighten me as to why the big furry tarantula is supposed to be bad? They’re not all poisonous. Back in school I knew a kid who had one as a pet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kristina

The tarantula is presumably a metaphor for sin committed in ignorance. I assume Doug chose a tarantula because most people react to them with revulsion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anna

But as they are not inherently bad, and sin is, it doesn’t hold up.

Nathan Ryan James
Nathan Ryan James
2 years ago
Reply to  Kristina

But tarantulas are inherently revolting, like sin.

John Middleton
John Middleton
2 years ago

Sin is revolting when considered rationally. Tarantulas are not revolting when considered rationally.

Carson Spratt
Carson Spratt
2 years ago
Reply to  Kristina

This is why you shouldn’t overthink analogies.

2 years ago


Your mention of “cockroaches” made me think of Piper’s illustration on Hebrews 4. Roughly the same idea, without the anger at the one who showed the light.

It starts at roughly 33:40 –

2 years ago

Pastor Wilson,

Thanks a lot for responding to my letter about taking “Doug Wilson with a grain of salt” (so to speak)

… and/but would you please consider including the *reader* and/or *edition/year* when you mention an audiobook?

Thanks and best regards,


2 years ago

… one more thing please … just to acknowledge …
In that video, I think maybe you got me where you said something about Christians being in “denial” of (the trajectory of) current events or putting their heads in the sand, etc…..
i.e. How can I trust God and put all my weight on His word (yes, and do what I can to prepare) if I don’t totally face reality?

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Re: John Piper, he pipes up on “secondary” issues at times and makes the appropriate sacrifices to the woke gods. There’s this:
John Piper Lies to Persuade Christians to Get Vaccinated (

He also gave reasons why he shouldn’t shoot someone who’s assaulting his wife in a 2015 article. And the term “gospel centered” is simply a shibboleth at this point. It’s been overused (to put it mildly) and employed to support Leftist causes as “gospel issues” while clear Biblical positions are called partisan.

Last edited 2 years ago by C Herrera
2 years ago

It is in fact Christian love that discovers and knows that the neighbor exists and, what is the same thing, that everyone is the neighbor. If it were not a duty to love, the concept “neighbor” would not exist either; but only when one loves the neighbor, only then is the selfishness in preferential love rooted out and the equality of the eternal preserved. -Soren Kierkegaard, Works of Love

2 years ago

Pastor, Christians get to define.
Are we able to define #revolution from a godly perspective?

  • *The parting of the red sea was a revolutionary act from God?
  • Also, since the religion of #egalitarianism is the religion.
  • how dare we as Christians speak about taking the Christian truth into the public square, because it is only acceptable in our little pious mediatation spaces…?.

What does it really mean to have wisdom and discernment from a biblical view..its not esoteric ….is it to see what is really happening in the culture and holding it up to what the bible says unashamedly, right?

2 years ago

In response to Judd’s letter about the southern border, I would point to the book of Revelations as the picture of the ideal: Impenetrable walls with wide open gates, and the lawless gnashing their teeth in (among other things) frustration outside. We should have a completely secure border but be a very welcoming society to the lawful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Why do you have a #yingang avatar Ian? Just wondering?

2 years ago
Reply to  elizabeth

It’s legacy from years ago. I forgot about it and hadn’t changed it. Good call!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

You didnt have to change it?..I understand you dont want to give off any confusion about what you believe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Judd sounds like an “OT was messy and embarrassing except for parts about welcoming aliens and strangers” type. Sorry, but you don’t get to pick and choose which Biblical principles apply to the modern state. Not surprisingly, the faulty “Bible supports open borders take” is really popular while OT punishments for homosexuality and adultery aren’t. Per Rom. 13, illegals who crossed over should be deported for breaking the law. This is a cut-and-dry issue, unlike unconstitutional mandates and really bad “color of law” takes which wokesters wrongfully claim we must obey unconditionally. As for immigration policies, DW has it right. Let’s get… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by C Herrera
2 years ago
Reply to  Cherrera

I don’t believe I disagreed with anything you’re saying.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Right. I was adding my thoughts about Judd’s letter, not disagreeing with your comment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Pastor Doug’s response to Judd was spot on.

Andrew Lohr
2 years ago

Evolution is the theory that it’s OK to eat evolutionists.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Lohr

Nice! :)

Andrew Lohr
2 years ago

Imprecatory prayers–yes, always keeping in mind and sometimes saying ‘unless they repent.’ Psalm 58, with Jeremiah 18:7-10 ready at hand; also Ezekiel on the the righteous sinning and sinners repenting, same people or next generation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Lohr

Good one.

David P. Chew
David P. Chew
2 years ago

Re: Chant, I keep this in my Bible Cover (along with the Westmister Confession of Faith & a notepad): Add to cartSt. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter (Flex Cover) $35.00. There is a YouTube channel that does all the psalms in St. Dunstan’s: St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter Tim Smith Tim Smith