The great need of the hour is for Christians in North America to get a map in their heads, a map that has an x on it, that x indicating “you are here.” Related to this, we need to know how exactly we got here. We need to be oriented, and that means we need to be oriented by Scripture — not by the secularists who taunt us, on the one hand, or by the evangelical bedwetters, who believe every last one of their taunts, on the other.
It is not as though we were not warned. We were warned repeatedly, but we did not have the right categories in our minds to process those warnings. We had some prophetic souls who were able to point out where the x was going to be a century after their time. We are now standing on it and we still don’t know. Here is Chesterton, near the beginning of the 20th century.
“For the next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality; and especially on sexual morality. And it is coming, not from a few Socialists surviving from the Fabian Society, but from the living exultant energy of the rich resolved to enjoy themselves at last, with neither Popery nor Puritanism nor Socialism to hold them back . . . The madness of tomorrow is not in Moscow, but much more in Manhattan.” (G.K. Chesterton: ‘The Next Heresy,’ in G.K.’s Weekly, June 19, 1926).
And this libertine excess, which throws off the “chains” established by God’s moral order, does not result in greater freedom for all. It results in petty tyrannies, soft despotism, and all those 16 ounce soda bans. Chesterton again:
“For when you break the great laws, you do not get liberty; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws” (Chesterton on Dickens, Collected Works XV, p. 151).
A glaring example of breaking the great laws would be our culture-wide unwillingness or inability to tell the difference between boys and girls, along with our unwillingness or inability to admit that these are the only two possible options on the menu. In God’s world, if you are a boy, you to need to grow up liking girls, and then you need to pick one. If you are a girl, you need to like boys, and then you also need to pick one. Was that so hard?In contrast, we now have had a generation taught by sex ed courses designed by a bunch of our major brains. As William Buckley once said, apropos of another venture by the major brains, if we had had one more brain at Yalta, the Russians would have gotten Westminster Abbey. Anyhow, back to sex ed.
At the end of this process of curricular mayhem, nobody is quite sure of anything. Every letter of the alphabet that gets added to our transgressive daisy chain only testifies to our high levels of cis-confusion. Sound it out phonetically . . .
. . . and you will get some idea of how astute and insightful our sexual education must be.
“I was born gay!” “Gender is a social construct!” Hmmmm . . . which is it? Actually, the thing that everybody is overlooking is that we are all born with an innate tendency to rationalize our sin, taking whatever meme currently offers the most protective cover for our lusts. We do not examine these memes for logical consistency. Not at all. Rather, the only thing we expect from the meme in current use is for it to cover our butt. Kierkegaard once said that men read biblical commentaries the same way a boy might stuff magazines down the back of his trousers before a spanking. Kind of like that.
So if you are still sane in these times of sexual bedlam, you are likely in need of edification and encouragement. So read through Psalm 106 and you will encounter a pungent evaluation of our current situations.
Where did our troubles come from exactly?
The Israelites “lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert” (Ps. 106:14).
Did we get what we wanted? Well, yes and no. We got the whole world but lost our soul, which Jesus once identified as a poor bargain. We got the highest standard of living in the history of the planet, which just turned out to be the milky product of Mammon’s millions of teats, expressly designed to suckle a generation of well-fed whiners.
“And he gave them their request; But sent leanness into their soul” (Ps. 106:15).
And this peculiar discontent of ours has envy at the bottom. Envy is always at the bottom of every discontent.
“They envied Moses also in the camp, And Aaron the saint of the Lord” (Ps. 106:16).
What then is the consequence of our sin?
“And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; And they that hated them ruled over them” (Ps. 106:41).
We are governed, if you want to call it that, by a ruling elite, an elite who were all apparently groped one time too many by their French teacher at their boarding school in rural Connecticut. As a consequence, a homo-jihad has now been declared, and woe to the chump who dares resist the absolute demands of our new sexual dhimmitude.
And that brings us to how we got here. We got here through evangelical leaders responding to every prescient warning with something along the lines of “that won’t happen,” “you are an alarmist,” “it’s not that bad,” “you must be one of those theonomists,” and so on. And then when the homo-jihad is declared, as it has now been, the accommodationists switch immediately to furrowed brow discussions of how we might best adjust to a post-Christian America. This is how our learned leaders have managed the process so far, in four easy steps.
1. There is no fight;
2. There might come a time when we might have to fight;
3. Too soon to fight;
4. Too late to fight.
In short, we are here because our respected evangelical leadership specialize in indistinct bugle blowing.
But this is not how battles are fought in the Bible. The main indicator that it is time to fight is when it is “too late to fight.” God loves delivering His people at the very last minute. He loves cliffhangers. He loves nailbiters. And He loves using men who love being used in just such a time.
“Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: And the plague brake in upon them. Then stood up Phinehas, and executed judgment: And so the plague was stayed” (Ps. 106:29–30).
Some time ago I wrote about David’s interactions with his marketing agent. There were also some recently uncovered conversations with his brothers that few know about.
And David saith, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the army of the living God?”
And Eliab replied, “Thou art an impudent pup, and knowest not that there are two kingdoms in the new covenant era. Goliath simply represents the kingdom of man. It has always been thus.”
And Abinadab added, “Yea, verily. And hast thou not heard that the ancient world knew nothing about our modern approach to mutually-affirming same sex couplings? Something to do with the original Hebrew.”
And David answereth him, and said, “Abinadab, we are speaking Hebrew now.”
And Shimea saith, “And the Philistines, though uncircumcised, have made great strides in health care. I believe this is something we simply have to recognize.”
And Nethanel added, “And don’t forget their humane approach to a living wage.”
Raddai saith, “I hear the Philistine girls are hot.”
And when the others were silent, Ozem saith, “In another two years I should have tenure. I might be able to write a position paper then.”
Everybody in the Israelite army thought Goliath was too big to defeat. David thought Goliath was too big to miss. What we need right now are the five smooth stones of theocratic libertarianism. And somebody to throw the first one.
Theocratic libertarianism or Neoreaction?
Although I cannot prove it, I have a sneaking suspicion that a significant percentage of the “learned leaders” and the “respected evangelical leadership” do not take the positions that they do based upon principle. My suspicion is that their positions are based upon cowardice, knowing that if they stood for something that they might actually have a duty to perform.
Oh, this one is getting shared…
Excellent, brother.
Don’t know if this constitutes throwing the first stone, but it is a great example of pushing the antithesis: “In March, 2014, I asked three bakeries to produce two cakes, each in the shape of an open Bible. On the first cake, I requested that one page state “God hates sin—Psalm 45:7,” and the other page state “Homosexuality is a detestable sin—Leviticus 18:22.” On the other cake, I requested that one page state “God loves sinners,” and the other page state “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us—Romans 5:8.” I also requested a depiction of two groomsmen holding… Read more »
The warning came even earlier. Robert L. Dabney in the 1800’s warned Christians what would happen if they gave responsibility for the education of their children over to the government. Christians ignored the warning, still do and we are reaping what we have sown.
what do you think of Rand Paul? Apparently he’ll be announcing his ’16 run tomorrow.
RFB, for once I agree with you, although only partially. I have long suspected that a significant percentage of religious leaders really don’t believe their own message. I suspect that a significant number of closet atheists wear pectoral crosses and Geneva gowns. They either went into ministry disbelieving it from the beginning but having other reasons for going into ministry, or, alternatively, they started out believing it, stopped believing it at some point, and decided they were too old to change careers. I further suspect that there are a significant number of closet unbelievers in the pews as well. But… Read more »
What does it mean to throw those stones? I’m left wondering what I should do. Write letters to the editor? Talk to my neighbors? Run for office? Pray?
Eric, Hope you are well. “…but I actually have more respect for the people here…” The leadership demonstrated by Jesus is compelling to me, and somewhat rare in the modern “respected evangelical leadership”. When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. So he asked them again, “Whom do you seek?” And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. So, if you seek me, let these men go.” He was mission focused, faced with certain death, yet still maintained sufficient situational awareness to rescue His men.… Read more »
Eric Wilson,
My opinion regarding “what I should do” is first to fortify my own faith in what God says. Be internally willing. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore…”
Wait…I smell testosterone in this blog…somebody call Westminster to administer a drug test.
I was born that way is the argument that is also used by pedophiles. If it is true for the homosexual, why can’t it be true for the pedophile? No matter how much the homosexual wants to distance themselves from the pedophile, the fact remains, we have laws restraining some sexual orientations.
I agreed with everything in this post as soon as I read “evangelical bedwetters.”
Jaquan, the fact that “some” sexual orientations, such as pedophilia, need to be suppressed does not tell us why “this specific” sexual orienation (i.e., homosexuality) needs to be suppressed. Why, other than that it’s against your religion, does this specific sexual orientation need to be suppressed? Put another way, not all religious practices are protected by the First Amendment; hijacking airplanes and flying them into buildings, for example. But if you’re going to then argue that a specific religious practice isn’t protected and should be banned, you have to show what it is about that specific practice that makes it… Read more »
Eric the Red, Thank you for your admission. I, too, have made it clear that I prefer an atheist or skeptic to admit as much than try to pretend he is otherwise to be socially acceptable. This squishiness happens to atheists a lot as well. There is still great pressure on them to nominally accept some semblance of religion. I once had a conversation with a sort-of close friend/co-worker who was an openly gay LGBT activist and an atheist. I listened as he made his case and when he asked me what I believed about homosexuality, I told him the… Read more »
Second best thing I’ve read all month (the first being the Bible, and the second being that weird version of Beowulf I downloaded).
While mowing my lawn in drought-stricken Southern California I had a thought. It isn’t exactly what Doug is speaking of here but it is along the lines of “how did we get here.” I’d love to hear some feedback on it. I read that an evangelical minister once commented that the rapidity with which this nation turned its head on sexual morality over the past 10 years had the smell of sulfur about it. It occurred to me that Satan is probably sitting back sipping a mint julep and smoking clove cigarettes right now; his work being done, he is… Read more »
“Evangelical bedwetters”
…aaaaaand you made soda spew out of my nose. Why oh why do I keep drinking liquids while reading this blog?
But seriously, this was a great piece. I need to know more about this theocratic libertarianism of which you speak.
Eric the Red
The movie is Quo Vadis
What does it mean to throw those stones? I’m left wondering what I should do. Write letters to the editor? Talk to my neighbors? Run for office? Pray? Yes. Yes to all you wrote, if the Lord leads you to it. Be prepared to return fire-for-fire as it takes a mighty blow to stop the assault as they attempt to silence you. When they learn you will not cower or retreat, the field opens up for conversation and then state what God has given you. Imagine you where that pizza lady in Indy with the full blitz of the media… Read more »
I do not think it was coincidental that N.I.C.E. was the name Lewis gave to the organization that functioned as the nexus for evil.
Chesterton’s comments brought this text to mind. Note the order: Ez 16:48-50 ” As I live,” says the Lord God, “neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done. Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit. If indeed it is America’s overall prosperity that led to the debauchery then… Read more »
If you like the illustration at the beginning of the post, you’ll love it in color.
“what should we then do…….”
Makes me think of the German Jewish father and husband on the train platform in 1940 thinking to himself…”This might end badly.”
God made us male and female yes, but what about those who are legitimately both or neither (depending on perspective). For example Intersex persons who don’t fall into either category? I know that this is a small minority of the overall sexual confusion, but these people seem to be warranted in their sexual confusion seeing as to they have been created with it built in.
Cordially in Christ,
Ben Bowman
Well this is allegedly God’s world, and for some people it does appear to be hard. So what do you propose?
Yeah, Phinehas executed judgment by executing people, without a trial or even a charge. So what are you proposing here?
For a long time, this line from Claire Wolfe has been one of my favorites:
“America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system and it’s too early to just shoot the bastards.”
The four stages you posit seem to imply that if you wait for a clear “just shoot” time (metaphorically, Deus volent), you’ll realize too late that you missed your opportunity.