So this is what happened. I will explain later on below why I think it happened.
This was an unscheduled campaign stop.
Yesterday Christ Church sponsored a flash psalm sing at city hall. We were going to appear there at quarter to five, sing three psalms or hymns, then the doxology, and then out. The songs were Psalm 20, Psalm 124, and Amazing Grace. When we arrived, the police were waiting for us. One of them informed me that people either had to social distance or wear a mask, or otherwise face a citation. I told him that I would inform everyone of that, which I did. I said a brief prayer, and we began to sing. Over the following fifteen minutes of singing, three of our people were arrested, and two others were cited.
The news story about it is here. The story is a fair representation of what happened, and the only quibble I would have is that I think there were closer to 300 people there. Otherwise it was a fair report.
The first thing to note is that we had every legal and constitutional right to be there, and to do what we did. This was not an assembly of scofflaws. It really was a peaceful protest, a petition to our city government for a redress of grievances, and a religious assembly, all in one. Everything about it was proper. We sang three songs and the doxology, and then went home.
We took this step because of two very recent factors. The first and most obvious is that this last Monday night, our city council extended their masking mandate into January. This, despite the fact that our county, Latah County, has had zero hospitalizations, and there have been zero deaths. We are not facing a medical emergency here. This has become increasingly obvious to every unbiased observer as time has gone by. And despite the fact that there is no medical emergency here, our city council unanimously outlawed merry Christmas at the cash registers around town, requiring us instead to offer a muffled mmerrhr cccrrissmuh.
The second factor is that just a few weeks ago, there was an outdoor wedding here, presided over by our mayor. At least one of our council members was in attendance, as was law enforcement. Masks, however, were not in attendance. If there was no virus hazard at that wedding (and there was not), then there was no virus hazard at our psalm sing yesterday (as there was not). If anyone is interested in pursuing that issue, I understand that weddings frequently have photographers at them. I have seen evidence of just such a photographer. By having his police department enforce his order, our mayor is not enforcing an order that we don’t believe has merit, but which he does. No, not even close. He is enforcing an order that he does not believe in either.
So we have every right to protest the high hypocrisy involved in all of this. Not only so, but I believe we have a responsibility to do so. Having said that, I do want to mention that our protest was not conducted Portland style. The federal building is just a block away from city hall, and I can say that I was very proud of our people — not one of them tried to burn it down. Rather, we addressed this hypocritical and nonsensical law in a peaceful, orderly, law-abiding, and responsible way.
Yet More Background
Also yesterday, something else occurred that probably had something to do with the arrests. A Committee for a Referendum on Masks (CRM) officially formed, and we have begun the process of gathering enough signatures to require a special election that will repeal the mask ordinance. Our city government has been extraordinarily cavalier thus far in its dismissal of any who have presented cogent arguments against what they are doing. All they have needed to do is let the objectors have their three minutes at the council meeting mic before they do what they already decided to do. ]
We intend to arrange for a straight up or down vote on the question. That will mean public debate, and that in turn will also mean that those urging the mask mandate will have to answer questions, and will have to defend their position. This is something which they have thus far shown they are not capable of doing.
For those in the Moscow area who are interested in staying current on this repeal-through-referendum effort, a Facebook group called Demask Moscow has been formed. Find and join that group, which already has hundreds of members, and you will stay up to date on any and all developments.
Will There Be More?
The most obvious question concerns whether anything like this flash psalm sing will happen again, and the answer is that the odds are pretty good. If you are in Christ Church, watch your email. If you are not part of our church and yet wanted to join us next time, you are most welcome. Notification will also go out to the Demask Moscow group mentioned above.
If a hypocritical city government really wants to double down on issuing misdemeanor citations to its most responsible citizens for singing psalms, I am pretty sure we can arrange for hundreds of not guilty pleas, along with hundreds of requests for a jury trial.
I do need to mention one last thing. The policemen who were involved in citing and arresting people for singing hymns really ought to be heartily ashamed of themselves. I know that our cops hate the position the city has put them in, and they have my sympathy as far as that goes. But they still need to review this question for themselves — how bad do the orders have to get before you do your duty by refusing to enforce them?
Comments are open on this one.
Dear Doug,
In order for the King of Moscow to be entreated towards your side, doth thou consider entreating them by wearing BLM shirts while singing then psalms next time?
SBC Chief Strategist and Concerned Citzen
As in BLM = Bible Literacy Matters? :)
This is getting national attention. May God be glorified through it
Good for you. The contrast between Moscow, ID and other protests around the country could not be clearer. And you are providing a nice template for a reasonable and peaceful protest to unscientific and hypocritical mask mandates in your area.
Unscientific except for every scientist who agrees that they do help reduce the spread of covid. Its a piece of fabric over your face, its not an affront to your liberty.
It is if I’m forced by a government to wear it.
Mr. Demar,
Why would need to be forced to wear one if it’s for the good of your neighbor?
But is it? And says who? That’s the nature of the question.
Clay Crotchety
After going through the comments posted, you are the predominant carping naysayer. You have nothing productive or inciteful to contribute, but seem hell bent on providing only negative contrary quips. I, too, don’t believe you are Christian or that intelligent. You seem to be a obedient Quisling or just dislike Pastor Wilson and quite ready to attempt to tear down anything associated with him for any reason. Mostly, you are a sad little troll.
Well, I gotta admit, Rob Bowen, that was a humdinger Christian rebuke, yes siree bob. Done woulda did the Apostle Paul proud, it woulda for certain.
Mr. Bowen,
You sir, are lap dog for a man who couldn’t care less about you or your loved ones. One day you will realize this. I just hope you do in time to save your loved ones.
Ohhhhh contrair, if your thinking that you are missing the entire point and most likely choosing to do so.
Its not about the mask, its everything about the unconstitutional development of mandates that are not enforceable, and then choosing to overrule the constitution to enforce them.
Its also about the unequal hypocrisy of choosing to enforce the mandates in one location and at one time and not another.
When this becomes okay, we have lost what makes this country great and that is the safety of consistency of law enforcement.
There’s far from scientific consensus that cloth masks play a significant role in reducing spread and/or preventing death. Simply peruse the public Health Ministry websites of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, and numerous other European nations that have no mandate (outside of public transportation), and very few people wearing them to see the scientific discussion. Being forced to wear a piece of fabric over one’s face, when there is no longer a public health emergency (as indicated by the county’s specific rates, and by the failure of a massive weeklong gathering in SD to raise the nation’s case or death… Read more »
*riots around the country
Prayers for and thanks to your flock for standing where I have not yet had to stand.
Praying for y’all.
Thanks for this thorough explanation of all the details surrounding the arrests. This helps me understand the situation better. The guys at CrossPolitic did a passionate emergency episode last night, which I appreciated, but they left out the details surrounding zero cases of hospitalization in your county. I was left with a few questions which you answered here. Thanks.
Here from Kenya but in full support of this initiative. Continue the battle against unlawfulness in full submission to Romans 13.
Tuko pamoja. Lakini sio ile ya serikali ya Uhuru.
Why have comments open when you’re already said everything there is to say?
Well, I do have one quibble of my own. You seem to be operating under the assumption that forcing a public hearing on the merits of mask mandates will somehow change minds and garner support for your cause. I am sorry to inform you that you have greatly overestimated the populace.
I think you’re underestimating (or misunderstanding) Doug’s strategy.
Doug’s strategy is to promote Doug even if it could harms others in the process. I suppose in your circle that behavior is considered Christ-like.
Your deep concern for those who may be “harmed”, a concern so deep that you’re willing to insult their intelligence and infantilize them by implying they acted without volition at Doug’s behest, is duly noted. It’s clear that your heart is brimming with charitable concern for them.
You have confused implying with inferring. Nonetheless, your lack of charitable concern is duly noted. I appreciate you confirming my supposition?
Well, actually Jane’s right to use imply rather than infer. Speakers imply; listeners infer. In speaking of inferences you have drawn about Doug’s motives, you are (perhaps unwittingly) implying (that is, suggesting) that the participants are either dumb as dirt or complicit in what you perceive as his self-promotion. Logically it must be one or the other. But, if you’re going after diction errors, I wouldn’t start with Jane! In both a public and private correspondence I have never known her to make one.
Jill Smith,
Imply means to suggest or to say something in an indirect way. Infer means to suppose or come to a conclusion. Jane came to a wrong conclusion about my comment and I, in so many words, told her so.
Jane inferred something from my comment that I didn’t imply. If I had had Doug Wilson’s followers in mind when I wrote that comment, I would have made that crystal clear. I assure you I wasn’t insulting anyone’s intelligence. I certainly was expressing an opinion about Douglas Wilson, the Grand Poobah of the shenanigans motive.
Apology accepted.
Fair enough, though I can’t see who else could be harmed since the threat of COVID is essentially non-existent in Latah County at this time and no one who didn’t choose to be there, was there. So my assumption about who you might have in mind as those to be “harmed” only included the universe of reality.
Perhaps COVID is essentially non-existent in Latah County due in some part to the mask ordinance and social distancing, in spite of Douglas Wilson’s flagrant refusal to comply.
You asked who I might have in mind. I have in mind just about anyone that lives and moves and has their being in Latah County. How’s that for a universe of reality?
Contrary to the teachings of Douglas Wilson, willful obtuseness is not a virtue.
Masking only (possibly) limits the spread of infection that is actually present. COVID does not roam the earth under its own power apart from any hosts looking for people who are not wearing masks. Surprised I need to explain that to you. “Anyone who lives and moves and has their being in Latah County” but does not come in close, sustained contact with any infected person is not in any way threatened. I’m amazed at the number of the people who think they’re being scientific but have these really magical ideas about how COVID spreads by means of people not… Read more »
You specifically stated, “Anyone who lives and moves and has their being in Latah County but does not come in close, sustained (which is false), contact with any infected person is not in any way threatened” does not make sense. The mere fact is that no one knows who is a carrier until the “if “ or the “when” of evidence to Covid appears. Presumably “if” you come up with the symptoms you would “then “ know and the contacts that you “already” had would have likely been exposed by the person who “thought” they were not a carrier. So,… Read more »
The question isn’t whether you “know” you’re not a carrier. The question is whether it’s an absolute moral necessity for people who have a near-zero chance of BEING a carrier, due to simple math and epidemiology, to wear a mask in situations that don’t create spread *anyway*, just because their chance of infection is non-zero. If that’s the standard, then we’ve all being living in abject hatred of our neighbors every moment of our lives until a few months ago, because there was always some chance, that we may have had some disease that was highly dangerous to a small… Read more »
The UK is being laughed at for closing the pubs at ten pm as if the virus, like a vampire, only comes out late at night. I wonder how Americans would have reacted to the UK ban on sex with anyone outside your household.
Jill, thanks for sharing the pertinent piece of information. That goes a long way towards clearing up the confusion I have concerning COVID-19.
I’m well aware of how the virus is spread. But to be honest, your comment does not lend much credence to your knowledge of all things COVID. Certainly you are aware that infected people who have no symptoms and even those who do, don’t wear a flashing warning light.
Maybe before you start preaching to the crowd (me) you should do some more homework. If you need some real sources (not Douglas Wilson), let me know.
Yes, people with no symptoms can spread it. But even people with no symptoms have to have contracted it SOMEWHERE. When there is such an incredibly minimal chance that a given person is carrying a disease that can be spread by a mask, there is no more obvious moral duty to wear a mask now than at any other time. If you want to advocate the idea that the minimum of Christian charity requires every person everywhere to wear a mask from now until the end of time on the off-chance that they might be carrying something deadly, even though… Read more »
Sorry, that should be “disease whose spread can be limited by a mask,” not “disease that can be spread by a mask.”
Latah County has had a total of 410 cases, 136 of those with in the last two weeks. I’m not going to argue with you anymore. You do for yours what you think is best.
Fair enough, but I still think one implies the other. If I am intelligent and aware, I ought to know when my priest is a staging a media circus and using me as one of the dancing bears. If I can’t see that, I’m naive and unaware. But, if I do see that and am wiling to lend a hand, then I’m complicit in the publicity seeking. After all, if you can discern Doug’s motives at a distance, what does that say about the perspicacity of the people who know him up close? I don’t think for a minute that… Read more »
Jill Smith,
It doesn’t require a discernment decoder ring to know what Douglas Wilson is up to. This was a publicity stunt disguised as a songfest. That was confirmed by Tucker Carlson’s mention of the poor pastor’s followers being arrested or cited for gathering to sing praise songs.
The ever brave Douglas Wilson miraculously escaped arrest. When the police tried to seize him he walked away through the crowds untouched. He reminds me of someone but I can’t quite put my finger on who it is.
I beginning to think you may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
These folks consider Roman Catholics and Episcopalians like myself to be heretics destined for the flames of eternal hell.
Pissst! Croucho! Christ Himself considered His own arrest Christ-like. Perhaps you might consult with Christ on Christ-like behavior, rather than leaning on your own understanding. I wonder if you will draw the correct inference from the above implication?
I’m sorry. I see your point. Douglas Wilson is just like Jesus. And like Jesus, he offered himself up as a perfect sacrifice to those evil temple guards, a.k.a. the police, and went peacefully to jail. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
What is Doug’s strategy? Sounds like he wanted to force the tyrants into a position of having to defend their policies publicly, against arguments made publicly by their opponents.
Not sure why I’m getting all the downvotes. Worst case scenario, I misunderstood his strategy. Doesn’t justify all the Boomer rage of fogies smashing that downvote button over and over again because they just *need* to express their disapproval in the form of imaginary internet points. That’ll teach me.
Mr. Metokur,
Please stop whining about downvotes. It’s not at all manly. You should wear it as a badge of honor. I say that as Boomer Fogey.
I am grateful for your example of how an alert citizenry petitions their government.
Your demonstrations demonstrates that the issue is not public good, but compliance to whatever silly non-answerable dictate is promulgated. I try to resist reaching the conclusion that their motive is more sinister, but I am only human.
Thank you Lord and thank you Pastor Doug and brothers and sisters in Moscow for your kingdom witness. As a husband, father of 5, and pastor to many I am thankful for you all. Praying for Gabe, the young couple, for church leaders, city leaders, and for the entire community this morning.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” Paul.
2nd Timothy 4-7
You have just cheapened every martyr’s death. This was nothing more than a publicity stunt by the Church of the Chronically Aggrieved.
Sorry Clay, but it’s my duty to object. I am the protector of the realm and this is our board. We decide who is welcome and who is not. Sorry, but you don’t get to sit at the cool kids’ table. You are forever relegated to the fat chicks’ table.
But isn’t the cool kids’ table where you get to drink the Kool-Aid? Bummer.
You, sir, seem to be a Member of the Council of the Chronically Constipated & King of the Hyperbolic Commentarians. You add nothing to to the conversation but carping.
You’re confusing me with Douglas Wilson, the Profit of Moscow. I glad I could clear that up for you.
No he hasn’t. He staged the whole thing for publicity. You do a dishonor to those dear souls who really did keep the faith until the end.
May the Lord bless you all for standing strong in the faith and against tyranny!
If you all were armed and the same thing. Would you get arrested?
Don’t comply! I’m in kootenai county. I stopped complying when the attempt suicides and domestic abuse calls doubled in my county.
Fight back!
One of the guys arrested *was* armed. They permitted themselves to be arrested because it proved their point the most effectively. Though they didn’t know it, the police were playing *our* game by shining a nice large spotlight on their own hypocrisy. It being Idaho, it’s my assumption that at least half the people there were armed. This time, letting these arrests happen was the thing that served our interests the most (short of, you know, not being hypocrites). Every time a conservative is arrested in a setting like this, the implication should be that the people consented to it,… Read more »
Sean was armed. Gabe and the others mentioned it on their emergency CrossPolitic show. I think that a great many others were too, since this is Idaho. Have a blessed night my friend!
I’m a little confused, according to the article you linked, the majority of the people there did not follow the local mandates, and graciously only 5 were cited/arrested for it. Despite breaking local mandates, whether you like them or not, how could you say that you were law-abiding in what you did? What am I missing?
Because there is NO LAW that requires people to stand on a little yellow circle and wear a mask.
For a law to be deemed just and fair, it needs to, among other things, evenly/consistently enforced AND in compelling interest of the public, or safety. Based on the above description, it seems neither of these conditions are present at the local (Moscow city) level. Or at least, arguably absent. The people then have a recourse of several avenues, namely: PROCEDURAL, (signatures for taking repeal to a vote) CIVIL, (suit brought against the city for either damages or violation of rights guaranteed by the constitution) and LEGAL (carrying out the prohibited action and defending ones self in a court of… Read more »
The “law” giving the Mayor that authority was written behind closed doors on March 20th and is in direct contradiction to First Amendment rights. So the people in attendance were abiding by the Constitutional law that secures their freedom to assemble, and defying a tyrannical mandate that is itself illegal.
How is wearing a piece of fabric over your face an affront to your personal liberty? I’m sure if I decided that I no longer wanted to wear pants out in public there would be a lot of people getting mad and I could argue that I am having my personal liberties infringed upon by being forced to wear pants as what I wear is freedom of expression.
I applaud your comment. Sadly, logic and an appeal to decency will get you no where with Douglas Wilson or his acolytes.
Thomas, the affront is multifaceted. The existing laws on medical emergencies confine those who are infected and do not burden those without the disease. Having everyone wear masks is not legitimate with the existing laws here. It is not just the mask or social distancing, but also religious freedom. The Moscow ordinance specifically excludes all activity protected by the US and Idaho constitutions including religious activity, speech, press or assembly. The City of Moscow and the Moscow Police Department willfully violated the Moscow ordinance to willfully and with prejudice strike at Christ Church. Wednesday, the cops were waiting for the… Read more »
Not all edicts are law. All around the nation, we need to recognize this distinction, and refuse to just “go along with” politicians who are acting outside the authority delegated to them.
I am, however, confused about the same basic question: what differentiated the 5 from everyone else?
Most than likely they were ordered by Douglas Wilson to stir things up so he could get some free publicity out it (see Tucker Carlson’s show last night). That’s the way Douglas Wilson rolls. And by rolls I mean rolls over people.
Not all edicts are law. But when the majority consents to the edict, then it is treated as law and prosecuted as such. We have also seen the reverse as in the BLM protests where law after law is broken with no arrest or prosecution of the perpetrators; and yet all of us go along with this through our hiding and silence.
If the edict (or even an initiative, referendum, or regular “law” passed from a bill in some congress) violates the applicable charter document (say, a constitution of some sort), then it doesn’t matter how many consent to it – it cannot be binding on those who do not consent. Within the context of any specific body politic, “majority consent” does not trump rights acknowledged by the charter document.
The City of Moscow ordinance specifically does not apply to activities protected by the US or Idaho Constitutions and specifically exempts religious activities from the ordinance restrictions.
Yesterday, only the Moscow police were breaking the law.
Dave, do you have a link to the ordinance that makes that explicit? I’d like to be able to share that.–Moscow-City-Code-Entitled-Emergency-Powers
Mask requirements and stay-at-home orders are not laws enacted by legislators. They are political directives from the office of a politician. It is my belief that law enforcement has NO business inserting themselves into the enforcement of political ideology – this is a lose-lose scenario. The Chief of Police should unhook his nose from the Politicians behind, and show some backbone for the oath that he took. Yes, it might cost him his job, but he would gain respect if he operated from a platform of integrity and principal. By closing his eyes and ears, (blindly following the political order),… Read more »
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
I wonder who phoned that report into Breitbart.
I can’t find this Demask Moscow group on Facebook. I’m up in Coeur d’ Alene, but I’d love to join the next psalm sing!
Couldn’t find the group either.
Aaron, I sent you an invite
Thanks Jim. I see I forgot the “-” when searching…
Jim Hale, invite me too. I can’t find it either.
Send me one too. We can get some of the folks from Coeur d’Alene out next time
I have been unable to find it as well and would like to join.
I too an unable to find it.
I can’t find it either.
Here’s the link you’re looking for.
The exact name is De-Mask Moscow (with a hyphen).
All – I believe the group is now private and hidden because…well…you can probably guess.. I invited Aaron because I know him personally. I don’t think it would be prudent to throw out invites to any that ask here. Thanks for understanding!
Well I think we should invite Clay Crouch just to show we are charitable, good impressions, virtue signaling, you know, that sort of thing.
Jim, Probably because people showed up who tried to reason you out of a position you didn’t reason yourselves into.
Ha! Nice shot.
Yep. There’s nothing like an echo chamber to keep you on your toes.
Plead invite me too. Pastor Wilson made it sound like it was an open group
Aaron, the next psalm sing is at 5:00 pm tonight (Friday) at City Hall.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themself into. I think that answering the fool and not answering the fool both should be utilized. Refuse to waste your time discussing cases vs hospitalizations because they don’t care. Force them to gather many juries of citizens to make them proclaim that singing is verboten. Publicly list the results of every trial and remember every city council person when they are up for election. In Iowa, only the Governor (R) has the authority to mandate masks. This is agreed to also by the Attorney General (D).… Read more »
That was a tough decision. May God bless you and your family richly during this time and may your stand be a clear call to others to stand firm in the faith.
Too many Christians do not actually read the laws and health orders that are foisted on them. Now we are reaping the problems of that laziness.
May all of us continue to pray that God will impress on the hearts of preachers, elders and parishioners to preach the Word with strength, to worship together and to have communion each and every Lord’s Day.
Are you in Cedar Rapids?
Hi Doug McHone- If you are looking for a church, and can deal with an hour drive, come check us out at the closest CREC Church to you- Christ the Redeemer over in Pella. We also have a conference happening this weekend with Rich Lusk!
A woman pastor should have been your exit signal, dude. Kinda slow on the uptake aren’t ya?
Nah, we ripped Paul’s teachings about that right out of our Bible!
He indicated that the mayor is a woman, not that the pastor is a woman.
Doesn’t matter. We never miss an opportunity to denigrate women, blacks and gays.
And I am not a clown.
Nor do you miss any chance to commit the false equivalence fallacy..
[…] Wilson wrote at Blog and Mablog after the event, “This was not an assembly of scofflaws. It really was a peaceful protest, a petition to our city government for a redress of grievances, and a religious assembly, all in one. Everything about it was proper. We sang three songs and the doxology, and then went home.” […]
If there had been a thousand deaths in Latah County, Douglas Wilson would not have done one thing differently. Remember, he’s prophesied we are headed for either a Real Reformation™ or a Civil War™. You can’t make this stuff up.
I have no dog in this fight per se. I live far away and each state has it’s own mask issues.
But whoever this ‘Clay Crouch’ is seems to have as big of a desire for publicity and self-aggrandizement as the Douglas Wilson person he keeps harping on.
Thread here with footage of the arrests and links to the @Crosspolitic episode on 9/23/20 covering this event:
Yesterday in Fresno County, CA there were a total of 89 hospitalized with Covid. That is 0.008% of the county population. And many local elected Republicans are keeping us in lock-down. However, over 150 businesses held a rally on Monday stating that they are “telling” the city that they will be opening for business on Oct. 1. “A little Rebellion now and then is a good thing…” – Thomas Jefferson
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
So when can we all move to Moscow?
Over the past few weeks, I have been contemplating whether American Christians are soon going to be akin to the French Huguenots – or maybe the better analogy is Christians under Nero.
Our local Huguenots were feisty last night. One of our members got to describe to the police how his father was sent to a Nazi prison camp by Vichy police who were “just following orders.”
I’m a Texan who was visiting family, and we attended the Monday night protest. No masks, no distancing, no police outside City Hall at that time. What made the difference?
I was in town, all the way from Texas, visiting family. We attended the Monday night protest outside City Hall. No masks, no distancing, no police. What made the difference?
. So sorry about Gabe getting wrangled by the popo……i get flashbacks…the thought of being in a cop car gives me high anxiety….
Better him that Doug Wilson.
The Facebook group has been made private, so you would have to be invited to join by someone who is already a member. If you are local and haven’t been invited yet, just post something about it on Facebook, and probably someone you know will be able to hook you up.
Careful. I hear being part of a secret Facebook group is a sin. Haha
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
I pray that the Christian cowards around the country see this and begin to wake up to the reality of what is happening. Modifying Niemoller: First they came for schools and youth sports, but I did not speak up, I didn’t go to school. Then they came for the small business owners who refused to shut down, but I did not speak up, I didn’t own a business. Then they came for the churches who defiantly sang in church, but I did not speak up because I wore a mask while singing alone in the shower. Then they came for… Read more »
Hypothetical situation: You wake up one day and find you have the unusual power to shoot lasers from your fingers and obliterate anything you want to at any time. Now let’s say your doctor discovers you condition and prescribes a drug that would immediately cure this unfortunate condition and return you to normal without side effects? Would you take that drug? Neither would I. What’s happened now in government is similar, thousands of elected officials have now discovered that, due the miscalculations of the COVID plandemic, they have almost unlimited power to restrict gatherings and make people wear cloths on… Read more »
Mr. Bunion,
Your comment makes a lot of sense. Your situation is not hypothetical. I wish I had said no when I was offered the laser fingers. By the way, I enjoyed your book and I really admire your brother Paul. I look forward to more of your insightful comments.
Another Clay Crouch account. And I apologize, I left off “William” and “Liam” as two of his other multiple personalities who’ve slithered around this site in the last few months. Someone sure has a lot of time on his/her hands…
Those is who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. 💋
May this psalm-sing inspire many more around the country. I’m glad there are still a few courageous men and women out there. Times are darkening but only God knows if a return to freedom or a move to tyranny has been ordained. As Christians, we stand steadfast for Him either way.
I saw one advertised for San Diego using a pic of our event! 😁
I searched for the Demask Moscow group on Facebook but couldn’t find it. Anyway, the first thing that caught my attention as soon as I read the news was that this happened in Idaho, the heartland of America, and not in any of the liberal states like New Jersey, New York, Illinois or California. Especially not in California, the mecca of liberalism, and where John MacArthur has been doing similar challenges to quarantine laws and not been arrested, while holding indoor services instead of outdoors like it happened in Moscow Idaho. MacArthur does have the Lord and a good team… Read more »
That’s what I’m taking about Doug! God bless Christ Church! I’ll come sweep your guys’ porches in heaven. ;)
Repentant Christians need to start saying NO like this. Not just NO to illogical mask mandates but NO to all the public immoralities. And you never say NO alone because you are ineffective, always in groups of repentant Christians. Christ Church and Doug Wilson are leading the way yet again! I know where I’m fleeing to in the coming days.
[…] Wilson wrote at Blog and Mablog after the event, “This was not an assembly of scofflaws. It really was a peaceful protest, a petition to our city government for a redress of grievances, and a religious assembly, all in one. Everything about it was proper. We sang three songs and the doxology, and then went home.” […]
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
“So we have every right to protest the high hypocrisy involved in all of this. Not only so, but I believe we have a responsibility to do so.” In Galatians 2 Paul called out Peter for acting hypocritically, but this was brother on brother. What passage in the Bible would you use to illustrate the idea that Christians have the responsibility to call out hypocrisy of elected officials? Yes, yes I understand there are passages in Acts where there was civil disobedience, but those officials were forbidding the acts which are essential to the Christian faith. A flash protest hymn… Read more »
Perhaps every prophet throughout the Old Testament? Just a thought. No doubt they called out hypocrisy on a regular basis.
Kenneth, Hypocrisy: you mean like instructing people to commit arson, then claiming credit when they don’t?
That would be correct. Now, someone will ask how I know since the Bible nowhere says so, and my reply is because I do.
That is all.
Well, except for I am not a clown and I don’t hate gays.
Can you translate your own version of the Bible and delete the double-digit number of verses about homosexuality right out of the text? Put it on Amazon and you’ll instantly have the world’s approval…which is our goal as Christians, right?
Excuse me Mr. Stewart, did I interfere with your hate campaign? So sorry.
I am not a clown.
You can follow up with Mere Crouchianity: How Wokeism = Apostolic Faith
The next book can be a spirited defense of gulags.
Absolutely the prophets called out hypocrisy of false prophets and priests. I am interested in specific Scripture texts you are thinking about so I can read it in context.
The Creator gave us reasoning minds, so not everything must have a specific verse in order to be right. In the context of a free society, Public Servants operate temporarily, within a limited-scope role, by contract. All of their “real authority” has a clean chain of title, from grantor to grantor. Powers wielded outside of the scope of their real, granted authority… are powers wielded criminally, in rebellion. Since when is any follower of the Way commanded to obey a disobedient, rebellious servant? Should not a servant’s rebellion (or hypocrisy in services) be corrected/remedied? It is not rebellious to ignore/dismiss/rebuke/punish/prosecute… Read more »
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
Next time wear all black (but no masks), bring sticks, yell obscenities (instead of singing hymns), toss explosives at buildings, break windows and harass/assault people at local restaurants and you won’t be arrested next time. At least that works in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, D.C., etc.
Burner, some people say to hang all the teachers and burn all the schools! Isn’t it awful, the things the ungodly will say and do.
Atta boy, JP Stewart, just what I was going to say, except I would add we should hate gays and deny we’re a clown.
Want to bet Doug Wilson will lead the charge right up until the the police start arresting the scofflaws. Wonder why wasn’t he arrested at the Wednesday sing-a-long?
Clay, you want everyone to think you are a Christian, but your posts show that you are just a Social Justice Troll. All you do is post your hate against Wilson.
Why do you post here?
Why do you hate Wilson so much?
I am a Christian.
To shed a little light in this dark place.
I don’t hate Douglas Wilson. I don’t respect him. There’s a difference. Not that that matters to you.
You do know he staged this whole event for the publicity. Ask Tucker Carlson if you don’t believe me.
This actually fits your worldview much better…not that I want to encourage anyone to join such a place. But it’s more consistent: you don’t have to toss out or do torturous interpretations of parts of the Bible that don’t fit 2020 woke religion decrees.
Clay, what makes you think that you are a Christian?
You do hate Wilson and just don’t want to admit it. It is one thing to not respect someone but your long history of posts reek of hate.
If you were a Christian, you would follow scripture a bit closer. So again, what makes you think that you are a Christian?
What makes you think you or Douglas Wilson are Christians? I’ve read a LOT of hateful things Wilson has written. He has also done a lot of questionable things. I’ll be happy to enumerate them if like.
I don’t know you so I certainly can’t form an opinion as to your faith. Your apparent support of him is certainly cause for concern.
I’ve searched for Demask Moscow on Facebook and cannot find it.
It’s a private group. If you’re local, ask on FB if any of your friends are members and ask them to invite you.
This is incredible. Keep it up. That picture of Gabe is fantastic. And the footage of that young couple peacefully singing while being handcuffed is not PR I would want as a mayor.
I watched the video the four gentlemen did afterward (although I didn’t watch it live). I was in tears from both laughter (those guys are funny) and sadness. I live in the Lansing, MI area, and have yet to find a pastor with “balls”. I’m sure they’re there. Just haven’t found them yet. Godspeed, good sirs.
Thank you for being so clear on this issue. This is an article I would like to share far and wide. However, there’s one sentence when you seemed to be looking the other way, and a wayward toddler dropped a handful of mud in your clear bowl of reason. “And despite the fact that there is no medical emergency here, our city council unanimously outlawed merry Christmas at the cash registers around town, requiring us instead to offer a muffled mmerrhr cccrrissmuh.” Cash registers? Merry Christmas? I just don’t even know what you’re saying. Also, just as MacArthur’s stand gives… Read more »
The Moscow city council just voted to extend the mask mandate through January, which means that we’ll be forced to do our Christmas shopping (thus the cash registers) while masked (thus the mumbling because it’s hard to talk in a mask).
Their mask mandate has been extended to January (thus including Advent and Christmas) despite no COVID hospitalizations or deaths
It’s certainly to be hoped that your good health continues, but if it does not, are the passers-by on the streets of Moscow expected to be continually grateful for the privilege of breathing in the great man’s exhalations?
Ms. Zubic,
Is it possible that there are no COVID hospitalizations or deaths due in some part to the mask mandate?
It is sad that those who most loudly proclaim the allegiance to Christ are the same ones who most loudly complain about wearing masks. Talk about a disconnect.
Why is a mask-wearing mandate such an important issue to fight back on? I don’t enjoy wearing masks either, but is the mandate against God’s law? It seems your position is that Christians must disobey this mandate simply because you do not like it or see hypocrisy or think that covid is not a valid emergency. However, where in scripture does it say that it’s the church’s duty to determine what qualifies as an emergency, or which mandates we can choose to obey? This brings us back to the original question: Is a mask-wearing mandate against God’s law? I know… Read more »
Mark, it’s good to see your name here! I‘m hopeful Doug takes the time to respond because your comment is thought provoking and honest. Bran and I discussed the same things last night (we’re struggling to find where we fit in Moscow politics and tend to be apathetic after our years in Maryland!). I think the issue at hand is the tyrannical rule of our mayor, and the slippery slope he’s created. I think the thought is that if we don’t stand up now, then when will we stand up? I believe that in a few months the debate will… Read more »
Ashley, you wrote: “I think the issue at hand is the tyrannical rule of our mayor, and the slippery slope he’s created. I think the thought is that if we don’t stand up now, then when will we stand up?” I am not sure that Scripture holds us responsible to stand up for tyrannical rule. Jesus did not. Jesus lived under the actual tyranny of Roman, yet we read nothing of His efforts to fight any slippery slope it was creating even though He knew it was coming and wept over the future of Jerusalem. Despite His apparent apathy in… Read more »
Dean, did the story of Daniel thrown to the lions and the three Hebrew boys thrown into the furnace not show express warrant and responsibility to stand against ungodly government?
There are other examples and I am sure you can think of them.
Excellent questions.
Douglas Wilson doesn’t care about others. He cares about publicity. The more lurid, the better. Have you wondered why he wasn’t arrested?
Clay, do you have any podcasts, books, YouTube channels, etc. where you teach others to be as charitable, loving and gracious as you are? Maybe “Crouch the Grouch Teaches the Beatitudes” or something? I’m sure “Blessed are the Snarky” would be a hit!
Why do think Doug wasn’t arrested?
No, I care about publicity but Doug doesn’t. That’s why I try to be so openly hostile to LGBTQ+ and people of color. It’s what Jesus would do.
Yay! When are your 6 other personalities and aliases going to join, Clay Dough? I see they’re already upvoting.
“I care”? Okay, at least you’re admitting this is really you, Clay….as are We Be Libtards, Dave’s Not Here and any other rather lame attempts at satire, Got it! Just between the two of us, it’s a little creepy when those nom de plumes talk to each other…
My offer to help is, as always, still standing. As is my undying love for you, Mr. Stewart.
I am not a clown.
I believe Doug’s point (probably made more clearly in earlier posts) was that Christians are called to faithfully serve in their calling as citizens, and citizens are a vital part of the accountability structure, so when government officials attempt to overreach their authority, citizens need to call them to account in lawful ways, such as violating the unlawful order peacefully.
Not to mention the fact the Church is clearly a special target.
Clearly? Hardly.
“I think it is clear that they were arrested for disobeying the mask-wearing mandate.” Mark The original arrests were for not following the Moscow ordinance. Then last night and this morning, the story changed to resisting arrest and other obviously false charges. Those false charges fell to the ground when the videos and the officers statements were made clear to everyone in the USA. There is more here than just not social distancing or wearing a mask. The Moscow ordinance specifically exempts religious activity from the order. Yet, the City painted circles on the parking lot in order to produce… Read more »
Mark, when Moscow cops violate Moscow ordinances and selectively arrest or cite Christians, the evil in our Moscow government is made apparent. The mask and social distancing is only one portion of the problem. Religious freedom is the core issue. The City of Moscow has unconstitutionally and illegally restricted the free exercise of religion. It is not just the mask. The Moscow ordinance specifically exempts religious activity from the entire order. Yet, the City of Moscow had cops waiting at City Hall to arrest, cite and intimidate Christians. Never before has the City of Moscow used such tactics on any… Read more »
[…] Wilson wrote at Blog and Mablog after the event, “This was not an assembly of scofflaws. It really was a peaceful protest, a petition to our city government for a redress of grievances, and a religious assembly, all in one. Everything about it was proper. We sang three songs and the doxology, and then went home.” […]
Treat that event as one to raise money. Only if it co$ts will gov’t pay attention. Seek damage$ from the mayor ALL the way down the chain of command to the LEOs who dishonored their oath (and whom, I’d wager even at ridiculous odds, knew about the wedding event and hence the hypocrisy). The official (don’t recall which, police chief? attorney?), who said (paraphrased) “We gotta draw the line somewhere” certainly knew about that wedding, maybe even was a guest. That person needs to personally pay.
Absolutely!! Enough with this “turn the other cheek” jazz. Time to go Postal!
I am not a clown.
As a fellow Idahoan, I would like to follow your progress within Moscow. I can’t seem to find the Demask Moscow Group On Facebook. May you continue your peaceful fight!
It’s a private group. If you’re local, ask on FB if any of your friends are members and ask them to invite you.
Please give the names of the police captain and arresting officers. These cowards should be made known and exposed.
I think you win more people with honey than vinegar.
Please do tell more…..?
My point is this: how about we show grace to these officers? Yes, they are moral cowards, but putting their names on the internet doesn’t seem likely to win them to our side, but it does seem likely to unwittingly heap abuse on them from complete strangers.
Point well taken and agree. And they were very gracious to them.
Your people are not listening. They didn’t get the message about burning down the schools?
What message? Are the “burn it all down” commies in Moscow now?
Worse, they own half the town. Who said to hang all the teachers and burn all the schools? If you guessed either H.L. Mencken or Douglas Wilson, you guessed right.
Allow me to translate Douglas Wilson’s screed of Nov. 1, 2018. Send my your $$$ and I’ll send you packet after packet of plagiarized homeschool material.
And you take that literally? How about getting more outraged by those who actually do such things on the streets, to the tune of $2 billion of damage, over 30 people killed, terrorizing residential neighborhoods, etc.
The allegorical import of massacring the teachers and burning the schools is what exactly? And he had the chutzpah to be indignant when the FBI showed up to interrogate him! I think he will do anything and everything to attract attention. It’s a shame there are people who are listening to his worthless advice on masks, they may be harming their health to advance the career of a charlatan.
The sad truth about Douglas Wilson’s and his screeds is that he will NEVER put his money or his comfort, or his life where his mouth is. On flip side he has zero hesitancy encouraging others to do so.
Here is all you need to know about him: he likes to talk tough, drink scotch to give a certain pubescent impression masculinity, and swing a baseball bat at flower pots. Big hat, no cattle.
I read that post and Doug made it clear he was quoting. As a former public school teacher, I disagree with both Mencken and Doug. But neither do I think either meant the statement to be taken literally or said it in the hope of encouraging a murderous and incendiary spree. If I were to write “As Dick the Butcher says in Henry VI part 2, ‘The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,’” would anyone seriously see that as incitement? Even if they thought I didn’t like lawyers?
If you were to quote Dick the Butcher, hardly anyone would ever read it or understand the context, much less think anything of it. On the other hand, Wilson has a fair number of sycophants who hang on his every word. Do you think that is an appropriate thing for someone who claims to be a minister to suggest?
Clay, there are several things to unpack here. Do you think that Doug is a Jim Jones whose power over his flock is so total that they will kill and burn down buildings if they think he wants them to? Even if that were true–and I don’t believe it is–would anyone other than a mentally deranged individual interpret the quotation from Mencken as incitement to commit those crimes? If you have read that blog post in its entirety, you know that to the extent Doug was telling people what to do, the instruction was to take their children out of… Read more »
It only takes one.
As for Douglas Wilson’s motives, $$$.
[…] Wilson accused Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert of hypocritically flouting the city’s mask mandate, writing about the arrests on his personal blog: […]
Can the police be fired for not following the commissioners orders? Are they afraid of retaliation from the town council?